7 Reviews liked by Manadium

This game rules but the main story is ASS, possibly the worst RGG has made. Which is a real shame as a followup to Judgement, what I'd consider to be the best written game in the series. Or at least the one with the best pacing. On the other end of the spectrum; Lost Judgement's story doesnt execute anything well.

The game effectively reaches it's climax at Chapter7.... of 13 lol. After this point the story becomes reminiscent of the earlier Yakuza titles in the worst possible way. Things just start happening - Go to X. Now go talk to Y in a different city. Oh shit its person Z, time for a 20 minute infodump of things you pieced together 3 hours ago. This continues all the way till the end where you're told "maybe sometimes being a serial killer is justifed..." Great game for attack on titan fans!

Im not kidding when I say the sidestories (both the main overarching one & 4minute jokey ones) are written better.
On that note: Side content this time around is great, some of the best in the series even! Combat is also the best the Dragon Engine has to offer.

If youre playing these games in release order you know what youre in for by now - I had fun with it and you likely will too. But the difference in quality between the main story and everything else is extremely apparent.

Oh man this sucks. Im extremely forgiving towards any 90s fps, or games that try to replicate them, but this barely qualifies as one. Its effectively a generic 00s corridor shooter masquerading as a "retro" fps for aesthetic & marketing reasons.
Level design is painfully bland & unfun. Its also mindnumbingly easy. I get wanting to do a power fantasy but this is an ongoing trend in recent entries to this genre. If I willingly choose the maximum difficulty there should actually be a challenge - Something that doesnt exist if every enemy dies in 2hits from the starter weapon.

If you really like 40K and want some slop go for it I guess. But this is arguably worse than the unreleased Dark Crusaders

Boltgun? More like Badgun. 👏👏👏

When you release a game in a genre as oversaturated as this, you really gotta do something better than fish-in-a-barrel shooting. There’s like 50 other games in this genre you should play before even considering this two pack of mid.

Oh, also making the shotgun feel like it's worse than the starting weapon is a cardinal sin.

The initial honeymoon is very strong but quickly gives way to a weak Wolfendoom propped up by wonderful aesthetics and weight. The thunk of your marine's boots, the thwack of the boltgun, the thud of your armour into an enemy, the thrill of the chainsword all mean nothing when levels are quasi-labyrinths with the same gothic coat of paint, the same enemies, the same circle-strafing.

The chainsword is cool in theory but is not as snappy as DOOM Eternal's loot granting chainsaw. The weapons feel fantastic but most of the time you can just use the boltgun and ignore everything else. The raison d'etre to charge ever forward to maintain your defenses withers away when you're locked in an arena trying to hunt down one last blue horror so you can get a key, or when you're trying to find the elevator in a sea of brown architecture. The unique models might as well not exist if they blend together or recede into the background as visual mud. It feels like playing the handheld port of a console title, the inferior (if charming) sibling to Space Marine.

Does this ever happen to you folks, you try out the hot new game advertising itself as a "boomer shooter", only to discover it's a zoomer shooter? it keeps happening to me

i thought we all agreed these kinds of games didnt need a reload?
game kinda blows, dropped at the end of chapter 1. reload is fucking ANNOYING and lead to many of my deaths. the level design is a fucking trainwreck 99% of the time. i cant even count the amount of times i got lost walking in circles and backtracking on accident while the stupid skull fuck kept telling me to hurry. the difficulty spikes in this game are absurd, one second its too easy the next youre locked in a room and expected to kill 50000 enemies with almost no health drops. i really dislike the way the chainsword locks on, it feel and looks very jank. its also generally not a tool worth using since the animation lock is so brutal, i only used it here and there for mobility since the F keys dash was useless. the weapons felt really nice, and i appreciate no hitscan but swapping weapons SUCKS, especially since you can equip weapons with no ammo. this game it too fast paced to have shit like that, i also died plenty of times trying to find the weapon i wanted. the music and aesthetic of this game are fantasitc but i hate most of the rest of it so i dont really see a point in pushing through when the game peaked in the intro cinematic

you'll never believe the secrets this school is hiding!!

i put so much of that shit in my head i started opening doors while standing on different y-axes and shit

aside from that and the 3-4 times where i started clipping out of the map (which softlocked me every time) this was pretty functional. i liked the part where i wandered aimlessly until i found a pair of pliers at the bottom of a swimming pool (which were apparently sharp enough to cut - and repair - metal grates with)

love how shamelessly x-treme this tries to be. the sprites are fun too. i'd be stoked if i got this bundled with my wendys as a kid