Just a superb experience. The game is just fun and it feels like just about nothing is getting in the way of playing some good ass Mario Kart. Booster course pass additions added just a massive amount of content to play. Driving tech is plenty and very satisfying to perfect over time.

One of the best souls games. Refined experience; pulls off open world in a way that feels very grand and exciting while still maintaining the tight gameplay, boss fights and exploration of previous games.


Pretty fun roguelike. After a few runs it gets incredibly samey, build variety is low and you generally don't have a lot to differentiate your runs from eachother. Overrated but by no means a bad game.

Really fun roguelike game. Hugely improved by updates. Gives exactly the experience one would want or expect from such a game - awesome build variety, great synergies, fun weapons and equipment and satisfying gameplay. Runs do trend a little longer, and if I'm being honest the balancing can be a little off (a lot of weapons are just duds, especially so for strength). Will continue to be improved I'm sure.

This is simply the best roguelike game you can play. It has it all and more. Great level of difficulty. Incredible amount of equipment, enemies, bosses, levels and secrets. Snappiest, funnest gameplay of the genre in my opinion.