FE6 represents the core of the Fire emblem series, reduced to its most concentrated form. The removal of many FE4/FE5 mechanics and the simpler map design make this, to me, the quintessential Fire Emblem experience.

The difficulty level is demanding, but perfectly captures the feeling of leading a ragtag group of soldiers against a stronger, oppressive power, slowly gaining (and losing) allies along the way. The series is at its best when it presents you with disadvantageous situations, where your units are both weaker and in smaller number than the enemy, then forces you to break through them, demanding strategical thinking and good use of the limited tools you're given. This is a very player-phase focused game - you don't have any "super-units" who can safely handle a group of enemies by themselves. Every turn is a puzzle you need to crack, where every piece matters, and what worked last turn won't work in the next. The reliable strategy of putting your strongest unit with a 1-2 range weapon in the edge of enemy range, which many players quickly get comfortable with in other games, is not enough to get you through this game.

Additionally, the large and diverse cast of likable characters (with varying power levels), and the split routes system increases the game's replay value, while encouraging ironman runs.

The plot is nothing to write home about, but it gets the job done - I would consider it to be above average, by FE standards. The visuals and sountrack need no introduction - the GBA games are widely regarded by their amazing spritework and animations, and this is where it all began.

I wouldn't recommend you to start with FE6 as your first game in the series, but don't shy away from it due to all the bad rep it gets. If you engage with it and become flexible about the way you approach each turn, it's one of the most tight and rewarding strategy games you'll ever play.

Strategy game that gets easier the less you think. It's a shame because I love everything else about it :(