To this day probably the only game I've refunded on Steam? Couldn't get into it sadly.

I don't recall finishing this one, but I remember having a lot of fun in it. You can be an alien mobster and that's pretty cool. Also, it has Paramore in it????

If your friend group doesn't go through a "let's all do a Minecraft server" phase every so often, I worry for your soul.

I haven't put nearly as many hours into this one as the original, but I do appreciate so many of the additions. We do love a good Mario Maker from time to time.

Million dollar idea right here. For very obvious reasons, I'd stick to the sequel but the gamepad made making levels a breeze, and the amiibo costumes were so cool, if a bit limited.

I put a metric ton of time into this game, as I got into competitive Smash for this title. Was I any good? Enough to sometimes win money, but not very good when it came to the big picture. I think this game had some hype to it, like being the first Smash game to do character reveal trailers that carried into Ultimate. Last game to have trophies, had the absolutely genius idea of Master and Crazy Orders, and while Smash Tour could be a bit faster, it was a lot of fun sometimes. If that was faster, the customs were balanced and easier to get, and we got maybe one more balance patch, this could've been an even greater game. What we got was still good, but hard to go back to considering how much better Ultimate feels to play, as well as the unique content worth going back to in the installments prior.

Depending on who you ask, this could be considered the better version of Smash 4, especially counting Smash Run. While I'd be hard pressed to go back and play Smash 4, especially 3DS nowadays, this was a really cool way to do a release for one of these games. What I would give to have had the ability to play this on a real controller back when it was the only version...

I sunk so much time into this game when I was in middle school. I recall the online being pretty good for the time, even if I'd get destroyed by people that were actually good at the game. The Puzzle Kombat sidemode was super fun and iirc you could Download Play it? The main hangups would be the arcade game's AI still being around and annoying, as well as there not being any sort of indicator for range for activating the fatalities. Still was a pretty good version of the game for the time!

I decided to give this game a separate review from Project M to sum up my thoughts on this version of the game I love so much. When Project M ceased development, I was super devastated. When I heard that there were rumblings of a "fan-made 4.0," I was excited. What we did end up getting is a solid enough update to 3.6's legacy, but there are some caveats. One of the "pitches" as it were for P+ was that they were going to try and narrow the gaps between characters. What it really felt like was that some of the lower tier characters got some nice buffs, mid tiers got some adjustments, and the top tiers were practically untouched, save the two stand-outs of Snake and Game & Watch. Those two were gutted compared to any other character, and while at the time of this writing they are still solid, they were over-corrected. I may be a bit colored by my perspective as an Ivysaur main, but my character in 3.6 was seen as mid to low tier character. In P+, early impressions were pretty good but we quickly found out that our bad matchups didn't really change with the changes and our toolkit was nerfed in some serious ways while other characters with similar strengths were allowed to get off pretty lightly. Not to mention the "balance" of Project +'s new addition: Knuckles. No longer just an oddity that we found in unfinished dev builds, Knuckles is very real and can hurt you. There haven't been any substantial changes to him at this moment to address him but honestly, my other main sticking point connects to this: patches. Project + hasn't had too many huge patches since its release. The running joke in the community is "new patch in two weeks." No matter how long it goes without a patch, the new patch is "coming in two weeks." From what I have heard, the dev team frequently scraps all gameplay related changes and starts fresh, only to repeat the cycle. That's partially why most of the patches we get are art patches, with new cosmetics and very little in the way of game balance. I do understand not wanting to completely upend the meta, but we've gone this long and there are still some truly awful matchups in what many would call "the most balanced Smash game." I truly truly want to love P+ in the same way I loved Project M in the past, and maybe rollback will help with that...but as it stands, P+ overall is not a better package than Project least for me.

A neat lil party game with some modes that feel like slightly expanded Mario Party games. Plenty of playable characters (if you're willing to unlock them) and a nice cel-shaded artstyle combined with the voices from the show (if you watched it subbed). Might be worth a play nowadays for a bit.

A build that would've gone over a lot better had the release trailer not tried to drag Project M. Adding some interesting character choices, but vanished in to the ether, never to be seen again?

They gave Falcon a shine? I know one of the devs, he's bald.

You don't understand; You just had to be there. Some kid on the bus tells you that you can play Pokemon on your computer at home and you scoff at it at first...but then you pull up the site and spend a huge amount of time on there.

In the days pre-HGSS, this was the next best thing. All I remember was playing a ton of it and somehow triggering a glitch that made every Pokemon shiny.

I really wish the creator had gone on to make more. Seeing Mario 64 in the Zelda 64 engine and art style is a trip and I wish we had more of it.