It's genuinely shocking how uncomfortable this game is to play, and how cynical it is as a product. This game constantly tells you to use your motion controls and to look into the gamepad, in more of an effort to convince itself that its not a fundamental failure, rather than letting the player have fun.

A foolhardy, nostalgia obsessed title that dragged a struggling franchise into its grave.

46 Okunen Monogatari: The Shinka Ron is a game as beautiful as it is unique, and as clunky and simple as it is both those other things.

This game is just profoundly unfun during its minute to minute gameplay.

One would have to pay me money to finish it.

I played until I had to fight the Miner and then immediately quit.

Not dealing with that crap every day.

Better than it had any right to be.

About as good as you can expect a clicker game to be.

Petra alone gives this game a half star extra.

The Arcana system is a creative gimmick to give to a fighting game. It's a fun time, even if the... subject matter can be suspect.

The first video game that I ever got a platinum trophy on, then I lost my PSN account due to hacking two months later.

It's a cheap musou game with Kamen Rider in it, decent fun, but not exceptional in any way except that you can play as Kamen Rider Stronger, which provides a half star alone.

A game that is amazing on paper, but really suffers on the technical end. Sluggish combat and legitimately infuriating exploration mechanics severely hamper what could've been a Top 3 game in the series.


Immaculate vibes, fun enough combat, horrific game-loop.

This game was genuinely infuriating to play.

A clearly rushed launch title that actually still winds up feeling like a near perfect game to return to time and time again.

A psychotic game that feels like both a masterclass and failure of game design. The vibes, content and polish are amazing.

Chock full of content, polish and charm, weighed down by too much streamlining, making the game feel too easy due to overpowered mechanics (many of which are due to Oatchi) and an overabundance of intrusive dialogue.

A potential masterpiece that feels barely cut off from its full potential.

The campaign is too easy, and feels like it takes half of its run to even start.

The challenge mode however, saves this title and makes it really fun.