Nintendo finally did it with this one. This is the most soulless Remake i've played in like EVER. Completely lost interest in the Pokémon Games after this pile of trash.

This is where Pokémon went Downhill for me.

Got this Game for my 10th Birthday! It instantly made me fall in Love with the Franchise and the JRPG Genre as a whole :3

Edgy Doods with Keys meet Disney Characters. The best Mashup like EVER xD


8/10 Singleplayer
5/10 Multiplayer

Barely has any content atm so it's shelved until some more Content drops.

This Game died 1 Week after i bought it. Not playable anymore.

An STG in the Style of an old PC ENGINE Game c:

Very approachable for newcomers on Normal difficulty.
A bit more challenging on Hard
Will kick your ass on Expert xD

Pros :
unique and addicting Combat
awesome Soundtrack
cool Artstyle
reasonable Difficulty (the Game is kinda hard but with the newest Patch there's an Easy Mode that you can enable in the settings called "Angel Mode")

Cons :

overall Balancing of the Spells

For me this Game gets an 8/10. As a Battle Network and Roguelite Fan, this is all i ever wanted.

One of the cutest Rhythm Games there is <3

Still the best KOF Game imo.

Amazing Spritework, thight controls and the solid Gameplay makes this a must have for Fans of the Genre c:

After the disappointing Steam Port, i had low hopes going into this one. But damn, this Port is Rock Solid! The only con it has is that the DLC is VERY EXPENSIVE. But yeah, the tight and addictive Gameplay, unique Animations for every Chart and the good Soundtrack make this a Rhythm Game that enjoyers of the Genre will definitly enjoy :3

This is a very awful and overpriced Port of an otherwise Decent Rhythm Game. Play it at your own risk.

I gave this Game a fair Chance. But it's just not for me. The Fact that your Character has a Voice kinda broke the immersion for me. There was still some Fun to be had tho, i mean, Combat ain't as Bad as Fallout 3 for example. But it felt more like a Modern Shooter with an RPG Element glued to it rather then a Real RPG.

This is one of the best damn Shooters i've ever played! The pacing, the Soundtrack, the Gameplay and the unlockables makes this a must Play for every STG Fan <3