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It's a truly unique game. The world building and dense atmosphere conveys those feelings of unsettlement, grossness and misery that you want from you dark fantasy world. It also very well translated into the mechanics of the game, this way the gameplay offer some quite deep and complex systems.

From the design aspect the game amazing, sadly the technical part far from that. I understand that the game was made by one person, but stepping into "gen 1 pokemon counterintuitive systems" due to programming is not something you'd want in a game.
Even less considering that the game heavily relays on try and error.

I highly recommend to play it with the wiki at hand because of that. And don't worry about the wiki telling you everything about the game, because trust me when I say is considerably uncomplete and handful of the information is outright wrong.

Whether you plan on rolling credits or not, I'd say is a must play.