I'm addicted, once you put the hours in the pay2win doesn't matter

Technically it's a total improvement over the prequel. Better everything minus the protagonist design and worse pace in my opinion. I just rated it lower because SWD1 was a more enjoyable experience for me, more simple and straightforward.

Short and sweet. Nice gameplay loop. Controls feel good, maybe the walking and running are just a little bit slow. Satifying backtracking. Cool miner cowboy robot. Solid all-around.

I keep coming back to play it. With every replay its faults get more obvious but its charms sink deeper. Relaxing. The music is amazing.

What a beautiful and insightful game. Nature may not always seem pretty or kind to us but the cosmic dance just keeps going on its own way. We're here but for a short time and thus we should try to appreciate and enjoy the ride.

Beautiful game. Relaxing and kind of unnerving at the same time. Neat and tidy design, well constructed world that loops on itself with clear directions. I think I was lucky because I only had to backtrack once, still, just watching Tiny Echo walk around the gorgeous backdrops is nice.

Fun game, it doesn't take itself seriously at all. Silly wizards in a weird journey through a bizarre world. I felt that in some instances it borrows a little too heavily from Space Funeral but it manages to be its own thing in the end. The combat breaks after a certain point and you can cheese everything afterwards. Enjoyable experience nonetheless.

Finally played it 12 years after release... After all I've seen and read about it, spoilers included, I can't believe how well the experience holded up. I was totally immersed.

Following this fly through its anabasis put my mind in a transcendent state. The ending made me cry. Will play it again.

Simple and easy but entertaining nonetheless. Cutesy and bright artstyle, nice main mechanic with the bubble but underdeveloped, intuitive exploration for secrets, forgiving health system, and simple platforming with simple movement. For a free mobile game it has the most important thing: non intrusive ads.