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Marjar finished Pokémon Blue Version
Still one of the best gens. Gained such a negative reputation for being overrated that it circled back around to being underrated. Zoomers need not apply.

1 day ago

Marjar is now playing Fallout: New Vegas

9 days ago

Marjar finished Fallout 3
Fallout 3 is an easy game to make fun of and definitely is abundant with issues. Even at release, people had a grievance with the questionable writing particularly with the main quest's end game content.

Regardless, I can't help but have a soft spot for this game. It was one of the first PC games I played after getting my first real gaming PC and downloading Steam. It has a fair amount of fun quests, like the Wasteland Survival Guide, finding the Declaration of Independence along with other historical artifacts in the DC ruins, and the whole Tranquility Lane sequence. It also incorporated the turn-based aspect of the original 2 Fallout games in a creative way with the whole VATS system, which I think serves to really improve the game's combat considering its wonky shooting mechanics.

Something about this game is just super addictive to me. It's easy for me to spend hours and hours in this world exploring and solving quests for its inhabitants. Clearly Bethesda did something right here, because they did save this franchise. It's just a shame they had to go and ruin it themselves later.

Also here's a quick rundown on the DLCs:

Operation Anchorage: Okay I guess. Short enough that it doesn't overstay its welcome even though it's basically just a Call of Duty mission. Plus you get good loot out of it.

The Pitt: Surprisingly great, with some genuinely interesting moral choices to make.

Broken Steel: Objectively the best one since it fixes most of the issues with the original ending, increases your level cap, and adds a fair amount of new content.

Point Lookout: Second best one, even though I think it's stupid that they artificially increased the difficulty with how damage works with the enemies here. Has a fun main questline along with some cool side quests.

Mothership Zeta: Absolute trash. A boring, excessively long corridor shooter with damage sponge enemies and has no RPG elements to it at all.

10 days ago

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