This is my first time playing both FF1 and FF2 games.
FF1 is just a masterpiece. It's like playing D&D with your friends without the Gen Z humor. The story is cliche but good.

FF2 it's the icing on the cake: It's a really mature, chaotic, sad and hopeless story, packed with heroic and terrifying moments. The gameplay its like life itself: discusting , completely unfair, but worth of give it a try. You grind, you think you're good to go the dungeon, you just barely clear it up, and the next one requires 3 times more preparation.

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What would happen if you mix a classic "Tales of" with "Star Trek"?
I really enjoyed this game. The story is easy to go by. You have a wide pool of characters to choose to play. The difficulty on the game scales accord you progression. You don't require to grind like a beast. This game has an INSANE skill system that will help you a lot in your gameplay if you master it.
I can say this game has a very powerful and meaningful message:

Anguish not over your fate
Instead, gather forth your courage
and may your strength be everlasting
Generations to come will thank you

Essentially a masterpiece. Aside of a solid game mechanics and a well done level design. It's incredible how this game abord a sensible topic as anxiety and depression.

I grabbed it with a great price tag. But it's almost offensive to not have a HD resolution as BASE for this game nor native controller support.

Menus are painful to navigate.
Anyways, pods go Brrrrrrrrr!