I feel genuinely very proud of myself for finishing this game! When I started it I was nervous that I would hate the overworld but after a short while it became the reason I wanted to complete more levels, so I could do more of those lovely little puzzles. I would happily play an entire game of that overworld (I'm guessing I need to play one of the top down zelda games then), I thought the change of pace worked really nicely against the intense platforming levels, they complimented eachother well and helped me appreciate just how well designed this game is. I think the only problem with the game really is the fact that the Impossible Lair section of the game is such a huge spike in difficulty compared to the rest of it, I get that it's supposed to be 'impossible' and all that but it felt like the difficulty increased as the game goes along and then absolutely skyrockets at the end. I felt genuinely angry playing the impossible lair level at times which is not how I felt at any other point of the game, and I don't know if I like that! This is such a joyful experience and then at the end I felt like screaming. It just felt incongruent with the rest of the game I think, even if it was satisfying when I finally beat it! But yeah this game still definitely deserves the high rating I'm giving it, if they released a whole load more levels I would 100% play them!!!!!!

Probably not a 5 star game but playing this with my girlfriend was perfect. I found it genuinely very moving!

Goes on way too long, is very boring and shit. Really had to push on through this one, the only bits that were good were anytime one of the characters died. Towards the end I stopped doing any of the quicktime events to try and get the characters to die! They did die, and it was the best part.

Overall this is just fine really, I don't have much to say about it but I thoroughly enjoyed jumping around this cutesy little world as a tree stump. I think that this feels more like a concept demo, and for the price that's fine! I feel a bit bad rating it so harshly but ultimately there isn't enough in this that works very well for it to deserve a higher rating from me. :)

I think of this very fondly but playing it was kind of a chore sometimes! I think that I might prefer it if you didn't control the characters' movement, you just chose the dialogue options. If I could play a version of this that had no 'gameplay' other than the dialogue options I think it would get a much higher rating!

The game itself is fine but I found this really affecting so that's why it gets such a high rating. My ratings on here are going to be very inconsistent! numerical ratings are pointless and stupid, but I love them!!!!!!!!!!!!1