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Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

February 4, 2024

First played

January 26, 2024

Platforms Played


Interesting game.
I do have a lot to say about it... Altough it was rather enjoyable for most of the time, since I was playing it with a friend, that was the biggest reason why I liked it.
Having to see my friend's reaction to what's happening in the game was for sure fun inducing, but from this point on there were literally unbearable areas where you just ask yourself ''When the fuck is this going to end?''
The game kept bugging and it was kicking my friend out of my server, so we had to wait until the next checkpoint so I can invite them once again (which happened at the Wesker boss fight, mind it.).
Sometimes the grenades or bombs or even bullets I used against the enemies weren't working. Like it wasn't like it was going through them, it was hitting them, but they had no reactions whatsoever so I was like ''Did I just waste everything I had?''
Having anything in this game is so fucking hard, like the game would just give me rifle ammo even though i don't have a fucking rifle and just give me coins, which... is idiotic because I can't even buy bullets, or anything to keep me surviving the literal guys that are with rocket launchers against me.
The enemies have unbearable amount of health. I would just hit them for one hour and they would just still get up and try and get me. Sometimes I would use the shocking stick on one enemy for like 1-2 minutes and when i went to mind my business I got ambushed by the same creature right after I thought it's death.
I know some enemies have weak points, but i swear I was hitting them. Like it's not so hard to get where is the weak point, but still sometimes it was straight up so hectic because there's enemies surrounding you from everywhere.
Too many spawned enemies. Like I get it -ohhh team building, you should work with your team mate through this, but dude, it's literally every chapter? Like you just don't get even 1 minute of processing what happened in the other chapter, it was just straight up: ''Oh god we went through a boss now..... wait there is a whole gang waiting for me with shocking sticks, rocket lauchers, ak-74's, guns and explosives'' Neat!
I felt nothing towards the characters. Even though I liked them.. It was only because before this i have played some resident evil games and I knew them from there. There was no core to the characters, except Chris' lore with Jill, but that's it. Even there it was just off putting and ... weird, in my opinion.
The AI of Sheeva is worse then any AI i have stumbled across in any game. Thank God i played this game with a friend, because when my friend was getting kicked out by the game from my server, I had to work with the AI, and it literally wasn't working. It was standing in one place, freezed, or just talking something when i tell her to come to me it would be like ''I CAN'T!'' like girl what do you mean you can't, you are literally almost in front of me, you just have to JUMP.
Or at the Wesker battle she didn't want to go to the other side so she can jump on the rock and come to me. She was just standing in one place, not moving, literally doing nothing and staring into the void, i guess.
Overpowered side enemies that you meet a lot in the game, annoying bosses (which i have to say, the design on some of them were really good, and disgusting at the same time. Some of them were straight up fun to defeat because they all had their patterns and weak points you so you can just figure out how to go with the situation and how to handle everything), bad AI, bad servers, stupid mechanics, no character development at all, ugly graphics (like literally it looks like a piss filter on top of the game, even when the game tried to put some pretty scenes it was just ... not enough to vibe with me.), extremely nerve-wracking areas, where you wouldn't even know what the hell is your objective and you just do stuff because you have to do them while being ambushed by 213098210938091283098123098123 bugs and other monsters.
Also, why the fuck are the moving mechanics and the camera angles so shit? Like why is sheeva tossed all the way to the side while Chris is at the middle of the screen like he SHOULD be??? (not exactly in the middle, but still on a position that's normal for the resident evil games or games that have over the shoulder camera. ) Trying to turn with Sheeva was a literal hell, let me not mention that there were sections where you are on a platform that's moving or a boat and you have to shoot enemies. Hello? No.
It was a good vibe, like I said, because I was playing with my friend. But you can't believe what type of rant I did on my stream just because I got mad about me getting one tapped by a bug just because i wanted to go around it and it grabbed me somehow.