The gameplay is as fun as the first with an emphasis on stealth this time around. It was smart of them to switch the usual origin story we already know to Miles while making sure to give him enough of a distinction to stand apart. It would be fair to say the only thing holding this back from being on the same level as its predecessor is the length. Had this given you more side missions and story, you could hold a better direct comparison.

A deep story, intuitive mechanics, impressively fun gameplay, this feels like it was a decade in the making and afforded all the care needed to flourish. It accomplishes things few, if any, have done before and will be remembered fondly for years to come as an important leap forward in videogames.

It's challenging with some phenomenal art direction. The gameplay loop of boss fights is broken up with platforming levels that proved even more fun and should have received as much attention.

Quality of life improvements and tight controls pave the way for one of the most creative Mario games to date but it's the attention paid to previous entries that prove the most rewarding. You won't be able to shake the feeling you're playing not just the best the Nintendo Switch has to offer, but possibly the greatest Mario game ever made! Like a celebration of all that came before while pushing the franchise ever forward.

The Resident Evil franchise successfully reinvents itself again with a fresh perspective and a return to its survival horror roots but if you're only playing the base game, you're only getting half the story. Seriously. The full experience is hidden behind the thoughtfully planned DLC.

Takes what you loved about the first game and improves upon it in every way. Keeps raising the bar in fun and creative ways and will be remembered as one of the greatest games of all time.