11 Reviews liked by MattSquare

When I played a couple years ago it was so good that I didn’t mind the pretty noticeable PS Now delay because it was so much fun. Probably won’t revisit it but I’m happy I got the experience

Playing with friends makes any game better but with all the crazy wacky shit this game has it's amplified so much and is amazing. It's one of a few games I can consistently come back to anytime

Look, it's a good game. It's built off a solid base and the general gameplay is still fun. But I found about half of the game great, and the other half a slog and it kept trying to make the nothing story seem like it was something.

(Only played Mario U, haven't played Luigi U but will get to it)

It's a New Super game, so at its core it's a good game. The bad part is that I've basically played and 100%ed this game 3 other times on 3 other systems. I was bored so much throughout and can only really recommend it if you HAVE to see what New Super is about. But if you're looking for a 2D Mario on Switch I wonder why you don't go for Wonder. This was probably the game I was dreading most on my shelved, so at least I got it out of the way.

Very good. Lots of creativity in the levels and the Wonder Seed mechanic was very good (even if some of the transformations were kind of odd). The game looks and sounds amazing and was a blast to play through. I only wish there were some harder levels, although for a Mario game I can understand not having them.

Idk man, the level design was kinda ass imo. I think it starts sort of fun but then quickly dips down into not being that much fun. The levels were confusing and I never felt satisfied beating them

Serviceable. The levels were good if a bit long. I liked the power ups a lot even if they could break the game. I know it's using Mania's physics, but due to the camera or something else you feel sort of sluggish at times. Also the Xbox version has some awful input lag that doesn't appear anywhere else, so avoid this version if possible. Not sure what they said to Jun for the soundtrack but it's not it.

Very fun little romp. I would say most of it still holds up today, although it was a little easy (but makes sense for Mario). The music and graphics are genuinely amazing. My only issue is that I don't think I will really be able to name what happened in the story, just that it was just a really fun game.

Picked it up because I heard it was made by the Rayman Legends team, stayed because it was a really fun Metroidvania (a genre I have no experience in) with great platforming and some decent puzzles. I was blown away how good this was. It ditched a lot of what we know from Ubisoft and is easily better off because of it. Ubisoft should really focus on these smaller, tighter experiences because it feels so much better to play.

While I borrowed a copy from my library for Xbox and did most of my playing there, I straight up bought the switch version and it runs silky smooth. Great stuff all around.

If I had abandoned the game after going for some A ranks and only completing the Hero side, I would have probably given it 2 stars. But coming back after months of not playing, something clicked. I get SA2 now.

The level design is very good, the game itself is very not good