Mixed feelings. Game plays great and is actually really fun, but as you climb the online ranks you start getting put into more "advanced" tracks all of which are the exact same tracks you've been playing but with tons of stupid orange hazard blocks scattered everywhere. Yeah, it's certainly more challenging but it's a lot less fun. The game's at it's best on simple straightforward tracks with lots of interesting shortcuts and hidden boosters that reward using the full movement tools you're given.

Also feels like this mode is almost already dead. Epic is stil pushing Lego and Festival very hard in promotion but it already feels like RR is being left with a skeleton crew just porting over old Rocket League assets. A real shame.

Up top, I love seeing Harmonix finally given a win. I have loved Harmonix as a company for so long but outside of the original Guitar Hero games and the first two Rock Bands I don't think they've made anything that didn't completely flop. I hope Epic is paying them a ton.

But uhhh... this isn't exactly Rock Band 5 unfortunately. It's good, but has some really iffy monetization ideas and some really unpolished looking visuals when actually playing. (Love that one single vocalist loop where they sway back and forth.) Was looking forward to having full instrument support only for that update to come with the condition that you buy either a controller that's 10 years out of print or a new controller that costs $150 and they seemingly made 10 of total. It feels REALLY stupid and greedy and I can't just bind the advanced keys and use the same PS2 controller I use for Clone Hero.

That's the big thing for me. This has to compete with Clone Hero, and I know that's hard but I think a lot of people are really open to supporting this official Harmonix made equivalent but they're making it really tough. Everything's too expensive and artificially gatekept in ways that aren't addictive but simply off-putting.

It's cool that Fortnite, a game that's already pretty good, contains an entire second game inside of it. Unfortunately it's just a mid-tier survival crafting game. I'm sure this is fun with friends, but there's a lot of competition in this genre and this doesn't do anything especially interesting besides have fun Lego aesthetics.

I love when indies see an obvious gap in demand like 'hey why isn't there a good modern standalone Nazi Zombies game?' and just go ahead and do it themselves. This is great. I do sometimes question the ways maps are laid out though.

If you like Guitar Hero/Rock Band this is the ideal way to play it. Even if you don't go grab the easily found rips of every Harmonix/Activision chart (Google clone hero spreadsheet) you could just grab any of the tons of fantastic custom chart packs that are out there and have a great time.

Simple and super fun. Plays great with the crank. Didn't even know this was a port of a phone game, I'd bet using the crank is the ideal way to play though.

This is a really fun idea but has terrible hit boxes that make it frustrating to play. Nah.

It's solitaire on your Playdate. Looks good, works how you'd expect, has a couple different modes. It's good. Grab it for free on Itch.io

Actually really solid as a fun little minigame collection. Was expecting a pack of endless score based arcade games and was pleased most of these were actually divided up into sets of increasingly tough levels. Pretty satisfying to work through them each. Given this is completely free I'd easily recommend grabbing this and sideloading it.

A really simple game where you automatically jump and use the crank to move back and forth. Includes a neat feature where dying to each enemy adds them to a little Pokedex with a fun description. It's alright. Get it free off Itch instead of buying it on catalog imo.

It's like a micro-sudoku. Really polished and a great fit for the Playdate. Given it's free, I think it's a mandatory sideload for anyone who's got one.

Looks and sounds incredible for the Playdate. Even outside the limits of the hardware the aesthetic is so stylish and cool. Unfortunately not the best shmup I've played though. The lack of screen space and dpad only controls make it a little rough to actually play. I did notice an option to make your ship move slower in the options which was a huge help. It's pretty good all around though.

Wanted to try out some of the more popular games made with Pulp and this one was literally $1 on a sale so figured why not.

It's okay. I got a little too bored and confused. I found some really interesting writing and worldbuilding in here but I just spent way too much time getting lost in nearly identical looking back-tunnel areas. It didn't do a great job mixing up environments to keep things fresh.

Fell off this one before I could get to the end. Really wanna come back to this when they fix the performance issues and maybe drop the equivalent Dark Arisen type expansion.

Really mixed on this. The original DD was this inspired but jank and unfinished masterpiece. It was this peek into an impossibly ambitious game that broke so many traditional rules of triple-A RPGs at a time when other games were playing it so safe. This one? Well, it's sort of the the exact same janky unfinished game and now it's competing with a gaming landscape that's got a lot more going on.

I'm a little disappointed, I can't lie. The promise of this game was 'Dragon's Dogma but finished' and instead we got 'Dragon's Dogma, but bigger, and still unfinished' and that really sucks. It still takes a lot of really cool interesting swings but they're just not as novel a decade later when now there's so many indie RPGs and even big Fromsoft games doing things just as interesting.

A very brief and simple JRPG that has a ton of charm and appeal to it. The combat is very barebones but just interesting enough to be fun. Really appreciated the built in menu for adjusting random encounter rates and xp/money gain to make the games pace whatever you want it to be. Pulp was one of the things that drew me to getting a Playdate but tbh I've been trying games made with Pulp and ending up really bored. This really impressed me. Great game.