I genuinely don't see the hate for this game. Outside of the voice acting and music, this remake is an improvement over the original in every way. Controls, framerate, weapons, utility, visibility, and everything great about MGS2 has been put into the original. It feels like one of those remakes where people hate it because all the MGS boomers told them to hate it. Yet everyone I know who's completely finished the game in its entirety liked it a lot or loved it. Give it an honest shot. You'd be surprised by how fun the gameplay is.

I honestly thought Capcom was gonna charge $20 for this, but nope. $10 is more than acceptable for the asking price. A very solid five hour side campaign with cool new areas to explore, a grapple hook, and all the greatness that is this remake's combat. Definitely give it a go if you loved the main campaign!

As a Saints Row fan, this game is the only GTA game I've actually finished. People always told insisted to me that GTA was better so I wanted to see what was up. Sadly, there are a lot of problems with this game that kept me from enjoying the game.

I played this on PC and man. They were not kidding when they said this is one of the worst PC ports ever. Even when forcing the game to run in Vulkan instead of DirectX 9, the game had constant framerate problems. Sure I'd get a nice smooth 240 FPS inside an apartment or safehouse, but as soon as I step outside, I'll get at most like MAYBE 70 FPS. Rockstar was bothered enough to take Games for Windows Live out of the game and add Steam Achievements, but couldn't be bothered to fix performance or bugs. SPEAKING OF BUGS, this game, at least on PC, is full of them. Constantly getting stuck on walls, cars getting clipped on sidewalks, missions getting soft locked infinitely loading, and the final mission having a game breaking bug where it's impossible to finish without weird Windows work arounds.

As for the game itself, there were some problems I had with it too. I hated driving in this game and you're gonna be doing it a LOT. I also found it hard to track what was a main mission and what was considered a side mission. Also, for some reason, the game lets you fail SOME missions yet progress through the story? And not only that, there's no instant "retry mission" option as soon as you fail like in Saints Row. The amount of hours I've wasted reloading a save file, driving ALL THE WAY BACK to the mission spawn is unreal. The cover system is a fucking joke. It's so god damn clunky and feels extremely unintuitive causing me to rely on blind firing most of the time.

Yeah, the music on the radio is fantastic, the characters are really likable, the city is dope to explore (I have a bias since I love New York), and the story was surprisingly interested with a good ending. But man... Unfortunately the cons really outweigh the pros. I'm really kinda scared to even try the expansions since I'm worried nothing will be different. But if this is how the entire rest of the GTA franchise is, I don't wanna bother with it.

Yes, I'm unbelievably grateful that the game is on modern platforms AND has a physical release. However, I really wish Ubisoft bothered to but more effort into this "remaster".

This port, especially on PC is beyond buggy. Lots of glitches that weren't present in the original, the online is delay based with no rollback so you REALLY feel the input lag, no crossplay which is dumb considering other Ubisoft titles that require a Ubisoft Connect account have it like Rainbow Six SIege, For Honor, XDefiant, etc. I personally don't mind having to use Ubisoft Connect / Uplay to play this game, but you literally get no benefits. The stats on Ubisoft Connect don't track properly with inflated hours and offer no rich presence of any kind. There's no DualShock 4 / DualSense support. Only Xinput controllers work. The audio is also awfully quiet for some reason. Even on max volume in Windows and in game, it's super quiet needing mods to fix it. Also, all the jank the original title has in terms of making a lobby and what not is still here.

As for the game itself, it's still a good time. I still don't personally like how leveling works and the movement is still jank. However, the art, music, combat, combos all look and feel great.

The game is really faithful to it's source material. I think anyone who's read the books or watched the movie should absolutely play this. It may not be as good as I remember it being, but I still had a good time.

Atrocious level design, janky hitboxes, powerups that should've been in her arsenal to begin with, dumb requirements to finish the game, forgettable music. Yeah, it has it all.

So I have no personal connection to South Park. Hell, I've never finished a single episode of it. I mean, don't get me wrong, this game is definitely fun. But there a lot of things that make this game fall flat.

For one, much like other western RPGs, this game is piss easy. The game doesn't encourage you to really use multiple different party members outside of specific bosses.

Also, it's South Park. So maybe I've just grown out of overly edgy humor, but I found myself cringing at most of the jokes. It's not cause they were like overly offensive or anything either cause offensive humor doesn't bother me, I think it's just my taste in humor has changed. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love how unhinged this game is, but most of it was kind of whatever for me.

Despite the game being easy, the combat really shines since it's basically Paper Mario but easier. Honestly, I know I said the gameplay was piss easy, but it's still pretty fun.

I still recommend it for people who love South Park and enjoy Paper Mario styled combat. Hoping it's sequel is more fun. Probably would be more enjoyable for me if I cared about South Park.

World's most unfunny game.
Really the type of game where people go: "Yeah my humor is dark"
The humor: (This game)