This was a playthrough of sly 2 on emulator where i used the Hard mode mod and my oppinion on that version of the game with the hard mode mod.

A joy to play and most likely on my top 5 list of favorite R&C games. The weapons and rpg systems are my biggest gripes with the game/series and i wish they focused on a new type of weapons like melee. The armor system is the best in the entire series and i hope its here to stay! The story is fun and entertaining j ust wish that they maby could have been a bit bolder and daring. This is absolutley one of the most polished games in the series and has become the new standdard for the series. I really enjoyed that they to a small extent started dipping their toe into more distinct music tracks again. Please game industry in general bring this trope back!. Lastly i loved the main music theme of the game and that it got remixed and reused in different ways throughout the game, and nefarous has never been more hillarious.

Just go further and wilder with the next one.

Web swingning is really fun, if a bit lacking in personality. The story is fun, with a couple of intresting, fun and emotional moments, but dosent stray too far from the known superhero formula. The MJ missions are baffelingly easy and feel like they go on auto pilot and breaks the pace of the game. Music is generic and boring exept for black cat and dock ocs theme.

Love the way they integrated side quests... But the harry osborn sidequests werent really all that fun and felt tedious.
Combat was fun, and the suits and perks system are a big highlight and verry good

Short and inoffensive, liked the artstyle, had some tedious parts towards the end, and a level after the outhouse rafting (yes thats a thing) level legitimatley that legitimately made me tense up and a little scared

Really enjoyed this game! Loved spending times on the diffrent planets and exploring them. The combat felt good, tight and fair for the most part. I have really big fixation on fair and good telehraphs in both enemy and ESCPECIALLY boss fights, in these types of games that put a big weight on strategic and engaging combat. Luckily this game got it pretty right and dident throw you into alot of fights that you have to smash your head against dozens of times before you figure out a weakness, pattern, dodge or a block.

The world and sound design makes it easy to just immerse yourself, the story was entertaining too but the ending is in its own league, even tough i almost feels like it cheeated .

I really wanted to like this game more than i did. Its charming and full of personality. But i just got a bit tired of the gameplay loop in the end. And i dont know if this was a glitch or i was just being really terrible at the game but sailng west was always a hassle or annoying. I googled it an i found forum posts that said i couldent just sail directly west. But rather sail side ways so my sails can catch the wind. Just found the enitre sailing part frustraiting and the rest the game had to offer just to shallow too fast sadly. Played with 3-4 different characters before i hanged my pirate coat and hat on the shelf

A fun and solid game all around, liked the world the story was fun, and had great moments between characters, especially Zelda. I think Zelda in this game has to be my favorite companion, she is full of life and energy and alot of the best scenes she are in and absolutely steals the show! The gameplay is also all around solid, all tough even though this game is 15 years old i still dont like the stylus controls and would have prefered standard controls. Alot of the items are fun to use. I think i made the game a little harder for myself at times since i dident take proper advantage of the ability you have to write notes on maps. The dungeons are fun and don't overstay there welcome except for a few that kinda goes on a bit too long. I absolutely love the train and that you can customize it, sadly the treasure mechanic isent verry good and if you want all train parts these days when you cant trade with friedns well good luck too you you will need it! FInaly and this is a me thing. I had alot of trouble with the flute, not because i suck at them. I feel that i dident even get the oportunity to suck at them even because im colorblind. I got stuck on all of the sanctuary songs and was so frustrated that i just looked up what notes to play on the final boss song. That sucked not gonna lie. The bosses for the most part are fun but alot of them become frustrating especially those where you have to control both Link and Zelda and the camera angle is at an angle, and you have to use both screens to see the boss, manuver, dodge their attacks, and attack yourself. They got frustrating real quick. All in all a solid game that for me anyway overstays its welcome abit towards the end.

Definitely has potential, had times where i had alot of fun and other times where I was bored out of my mind or just frustrated. Also if I would recommend trying to figure out what skills and stats too prioritize if this is you first playthrough. I think that ruined some enjoyment for me since I focused on some stats and skills that bearly felt useful. Some areas are really fun and makes you really connect with the area and its people and theirs quests but other times it can be hard to tell what is the next course of action wich really frustrated sadly.

Finally I would recommend to just roll with the punches with this one. If you fail a speech check or someone dies, just live with it. It will make the game alot less slower even though it might feel like you get alitlle to harshly punished for it.

P.S don't invest in shotgun skill. It just sucks.

More of the base game... Wich is a good thing. The gameplay loop got a little tedious towards the end

Pretty average, but entertaining for what it is. I really love the theme park look and feel, almost weird not more platformers have stolen this idea. The hubworlds all in all are ok. None of them really goes higher than that. Rings of Uranus or whatever are by far the worst. The camera also fights with you a little more than i would like. The races are fun but not really all that challenging. But again is saved in my eyes by the theme park look of it.

best part of the game is maiking fart and burping sounds under the loading screens

This one really isent for me. I felt alot of the time like i died due to getting jumped by enemies that suddenly came into frame and dident give me enough time to react. Also felt like the controls were a bit "heavy" and slow to responf for my liking. The music is a downgrade from the original in my eyes. That being said its still Mario, the quality and challenge is deffinetley there and i can understand why people have verry fond memories of this one. I guess im just a Yoshis Island kinda guy myself, feel like that game gives me a bit more wiggle room while this game asks for a bit more precision

This game is such a mixed bag. The story telling in the series has always been good and 2018 took that a step further. But Ragnarok Manages in my eyes to even surpass that. the story is spectacular and the gameplay sections that takes place during them are awesome and fun. Buuuut i feel the gameplay is verry mixed. Some optional super bosses are complete shit. The combat system still doesn't work well agains 2 or four enemies. Some of the super bosses are only hard because they use unfair tactics like badly telegraphed moves, or lets you fight multiple of these guys at ones They are bad and infuriatingly bad. Valhalla expansion takes the combat system to its limits, and its pretty great. The bosses are for the most part pretty fun too exept the fight were 95% of the boss arena is foggy and there only one safe space. Had some great Kratos moments too.

Had A LOT of fun with this for longer than i expected. sadly not alot of friends wanted to play with me, but the main thing that killed the multiplayer was, the xp system, challenges, available game modes, lack of updates, evreything just felt more and more barebones after a while. Shame

This game introduced me to the genre and its full of personality, does a good job at teaching you mechanics and how to play. Has an intresting story, setting and characters. Fun gameplay that makes you feel like a tactical genious when a plan works out the way you want or manage to smoothly adapt and flip the script on a seemingly doomed encounter. If you are new to this genre my advice would be to give youself time to experiment with mechanics, how the controls work, how encounters work and enemy reactions, anf fail, fail, fail, fail a bunch of times. when it clicks it feels great and it was really immersive for me.
Sadly towards the end of the game and the dlc the whole gameplay loop got a little stale, and thats my biggest issue.

Sequal when?