80 reviews liked by MeerkatChris

The first half was enjoyable, but after a while it got repetitive (why was every murder victim a woman?). I feel like the story didn’t come together that well unless I missed important clues/newspaper stories.. The driving mechanic drove me crazy until I finally found out how to fast travel 😵‍💫 The 40s vibe was cool though

They just keep getting better and better, my goodness. While we do end up getting 3 city tracks this wave, at least they’re all fun, and Singapore Speedway in particular is fantastic! Speaking of fantastic, Yoshi’s Island is probably the best course of not only this wave, but maybe the entire DLC with maybe the exception of 3DS Rainbow Road. It’s so incredibly faithful to the game it’s based on, and the custom sound effects and stylized visuals are just the cherry on top. On that subject, the visuals this wave are probably the best out of any wave so far, even including Wave 5. I don’t think there’s a single bad looking track this wave. They’re all pretty good looking, even the weakest looking ones like Mario Circuit DS. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum, you have tracks like Waluigi Stadium, which is insane to think that it comes from the same DLC that gave us Toad Circuit. Of course, the other tracks like DK Summit and Riverside Park are both fun as well, and all tracks this wave have fantastic music as per usual. The cherry on top of this whole thing is that with this wave, we are getting new characters on top of the promised 48 courses, starting with Birdo, who fits right into the existing roster like a glove! It’s so great to see each wave get better and better! I sure hope this streak of improvement isn’t broken by the inclusion of a track that completely ignores the gimmick which made said track special in the first place!

Destiny 2 has been through many phases - as someone who has played since its beginning, its hard to express what's wrong with this game in its current state.

Soulless, overly monetized and with even worse writing than ever before; Bungie have seemingly abandoned the core tenants that kept the game, in its prime, so engaging.

With no new-player on-boarding and an ever-frustrated existing player base, its hard to see Bungie investing in another 'Forsaken' level expansion.

Bare bones, repetitive up until the final sequence and a nice setup game.
Also as boring as the white/gray/blue aesthetic is I think it fit

I can't believe I waited so long to play Alan Wake! This game is really something and I had a blast with it. The story is really interesting and Alan Wake himself is such a fun character. Bright Falls itself is also such a cool and eerie place, and a great setting for this type of horror/thriller story.

The gameplay also holds up in my opinion and while I've heard some refer to the game as too repetitive, I find that the game drip feeds you just enough tools to deal with the Taken, and just enough enemy variety to keep things interesting. Plus, the mechanic of having to weaken enemies with light and then take them on is a novel and entertaining gameplay loop. The crows do suck though, fighting those things is always weird. The worst enemy for sure.

Overall though Alan Wake really kicked ass and it's episodic level structure really made the game digestible and fun to play in chunks. Having already played Control and now this, I am very excited for Alan Wake 2, Control 2 whenever it comes, and whatever else Remedy has in store for this world.

Alan Wake is a classic that i played back in the Xbox 360 days and loved ever since so when this remaster was announced it was a must buy for me!

Gameplay: The combat to Alan Wake is unique, To kill the enemies yopu must use your light/torch to remove their shield before you can shoot and kill the enemies. On easy difficulty this is obviously quite easy to do but on Nightmare difficulty it can take a little bit to fully remove the shields with just the normal torches but the heavy lanterns you can find and spotlights do plenty! I recently went back to this to platinum it and honestly the Nightmare difficulty isn't that much harder than normal.

If you're first playthrough is on Nightmare then you can get all the collectibles in one playthrough as there are manuscript pages that can only be collected on the nightmare Difficulty

During this game you can use pistols, Shotguns, Rifles, a Flare gun, Flash Bangs and flares as weapons that can help you drastically. Each chapter you are reset to find weapons again and are left with nothing so you don't need to be too conservative with your ammunition.

Lit area's like street lamps, or generators you can start to give you a light area are your safe area's and will instantly kll any enemies that are right next to you. These come up quite often as you're running and gunning and it is the same with checkpoints which don't change on the higher difficulties,

Story: The Story to Alan Wake is brilliant, if there's anything you're confused about or want more lore to the background once you've finished the game then it's worth googling! But pay attention to every cutscene, character and even the Radio/TV Shows, it's all connected!

Soundtrack: Although i don't remember their really being much of a soundtrack during the playthrough, there are some area's of the game where there is a cool tune on the tv shows ect, something i do like though is the audio cue for when an enemy as spawned so you know their coming but also ones for when you reach safe area's in light and when hitting checkpoints.

Before Alan Wake 2 is released later this month, Play this incredible game if you haven't already! It's honestly not hard to platinum, I watched a guide for each collectible whilst playing on Nightmare and other than some bits that can be difficult it's really not that much harder, more just run than gun when it can be helped.

This is a classic

Fantastic campaign and a timeless set of multiplayer maps, plus some of the best Zombies in the whole franchise?

Skyrim gets a lot of a hate now adays. People who played it and loved it when it came out (for hundreds of hours) act like it's hot garbage now to be cool I guess. Quite literally the best game ever made. My personal Favorite.

Score: 4.99999/5
Letter Grade: S+++

just the best open-world rpg ever. the side quests are so detailed and I literally never wanted to put this game down.

Mjoll my love.

The game that may borrow familiar elements but still manages to leave its mark. While its combat and open world may lack originality, the game shines in its execution and the innovative Nemesis System.

The open world, though not groundbreaking, still offers a visually stunning and immersive environment to explore. However, it's the brilliant rival system that truly sets this game apart, creating unique and dynamic relationships between the player and their enemies.

As you manipulate and shape the hierarchy of Mordor, you'll experience a level of personalization and emergent storytelling rarely seen in other games.