8 reviews liked by MegaStrimp

To understand why this game is so divisive these days, one must first look back at the circumstances in which this game was first released. It was a game released solely on an expensive expansion to the Genesis known as the Sega CD. Due to its prohibitive price, the Sega CD was only accessible to those in prestigious, intellectually intensive careers like engineers or high class escorts. The developers, knowing this, decided to make a game that appealed to said intellectual elite. Unfortunately, the game has become accessible to an audience it was never intended for. Many people today don't like Sonic CD, but they also very likely would not enjoy reading an advanced physics textbook. These products were not intended for the masses, and thus cannot be judged by them. In many schools of Buddhist meditation, the knowledge of the illusoriness of the self is often safeguarded and only shown to the most diligent of practitioners. The reason for this is that the common man, when faced with such profundity, often responds with a gormless "so what?". This sadly mirrors the reception Sonic CD has today.

*takes a long drag off of a joint*
*squints eyes*
*holds smoke in lungs*

Like, dude.

What if Mario DID DRUGS? 🤯

It sucks. This update shows Sonic Team has learnt nothing from Frontiers. Things like this are what sometimes make me want to give up all hope for this franchise.

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Why didn't they do something cute for playing as Amy in CD?
Why didn't they make it so that Sonic gets captured by Metal and she has to go save him?
That could've been cute and charming.
But no, they just did the absolute bare minimum.
Save your money.

I genuinely liked Sonic Origins and thought a lot of the hate was overblown, that they could iron out the issues and we could've had a genuinely great Sonic collection, but no, that was apparently too tall of an order. They couldn't even emulate 30 year-old Gamegear games right. What a joke.

Aesthetically it's kind of interesting, the character designs and backgrounds remind me of SMT in a way. Gameplay is nothing special though, one powerup more or less trivializes the already short game by shooting projectiles in all directions constantly.

good to pick up every couple of months

incredible that one of the most profitable and expensive online games ever made feels the exact same as those free to play Chinese MMOs that windows detects as trojans and has names like "Nexus Strike Online"

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