30 Reviews liked by MegaxReborn

I love that the last line of dialogue is "goodbye forever, shadow the hedgehog" and then it plays a song called never turn back

Mega Man fans are so petty bro I see people complaining about this game like we got THIS instead of X9. Shut up. This is just a way to experience all the X Dive content in a non-bullshit package. It’s fun! I mained Ultimate Armor X for the first 3/4ths of the Story and then X -Kai- for the last 1/4th because of his healing ability. For Events I mostly went with Nightmare Zero and Gangsta Girl Erato because of their mobility and huge screen clearers. I also just like them. The game wasn’t as grindy as I thought it might be, it took me 30-ish hours but I never had to stop and go grind just so I could beat a mission. I did some side event things yeah, but that’s just because I like to be over leveled. By the end of the game I was at 620K power and you only need like 590k to beat it. The gameplay is nothing special, it’s just standard dash and shoot. The story is nothing more than an excuse to get us to where we are, although I really like the inclusion of a pre-virus Sigma and I like ViA. Ik he’s just a palette swap but he’s a cool one. Maybe I’d like the story as a whole better if the translation didn’t read like a bad Google translate job. Check this one out on a sale I think. 30 bucks is a bit much. I’m happy with my purchase because I’m a mega man fan and love the fan service. But I don’t know that the average Joe will.

Umineko: When They Cry (They cry because they can't compete with the GOAT Sonic)


A game with references to Shenmue 3, Nintendo's lawyers, the Xbox mini fridge and the low stock of PS5 at launch cannot be a bad game. Scientifically speaking.

mfs will read fate but can't get a girl to stay the night

The second and weakest game in the Fate/EXTRA trilogy.

It kinda starts off feeling like a diet Fate/EXTRA (similar themes and even story beats) but by the end it pulls through as its own beast with a very bitterweet story about identity.

In contrast to the anime interpretation of BRS, we follow Miss Black Rock Shooter herself as the MC, known as Stella in this continuity.

A very interesting thing to do with BRS as a franchise is to analyze how each new interpretation of the character uses the original song for its narrative. Through this world's lenses, it's probably sang by the last remaining humans, pledging for Stella to save them from the aliens.

On the topic of Stella, she's a great MC. Maaya Sakamoto does a fantastic job characterizing her cold yet soulful nature. Her character arc sees her going through a global odyssey in search for the meaning of her existence in true Kazuya Niino MC fashion. One of my favorite aspects was her relationship with Nana, a classic tale of familial acknowledgement (or supposed lack thereof in Nana's case) that culminates in a beautiful conclusion.

Nana is a fantastic deuteragonist, acting as an insanely charming foil to Stella's personality (especially during the extra missions, a must see) while delivering the heart of the story during its true ending.

The soldiers are great, extremely charismatic and insanely charming, they work really well considering the limited screen time they receive (Rothcal my beloved).

The aliens are extremely stylish and unique antagonists. What they lack in pure writing they more than make up for with charisma and distinct personalities. WRS receives minimal screen time and still manages to solidify her presence as iconic.

The combat functions as third person shooter that plays like a turn based jrpg.
I need more directors like Niino in my life, pushing for a mentally deranged new take on the old rpg formula for no fucking reason other than his distaste for the generic and formulaic. Thank you Niino.

It's very similar to EXTRA's in the sense that it gets WAY better as the game progresses, it's an extremely odd but kinda fun combat which again much like its older brother, also is at its best during boss fights. I wish the bike sections were in it more cus they're very fun.

The OST is fucking amazing. The level themes set such a thick atmosphere, it's hard to not get sucked into the scenario by them. The battle themes are varied and insanely funky. Niino's unparalleled mastery of the PSP hardware shows itself once again with the visual direction being as good as always, from the dystopic streets of NY to the gorgeous and relaxing Fuji Forest.

Criticisms? Well, this game introduced the True Ending formula that carried to CCC (which I explore more in depth on that game's review) which I don't particularly like, even if in this game it's a lesser evil since you don't have to replay the whole game again due to the mission based structure. However, it still robs the initial playthrough of one of the nicest parts of the story for no reason so that's definitely its biggest con.

Overall, it's a Kazuya Niino game, you know what you're gettin into. A fantastic title that ages like wine in my mind the more time passes.

I wonder what kind of demon possesed ZUN when he was making Aya's AI

i would make out with every single character in this game

The American box art for this game looks AI generated

Perdonen, Kamehameha
Después del tema del Tetris
Viene el Dragon Ball Rap

Quien no haya seguido esta serie es que porque no tiene infancia
Big Bang Attack Ataca desde el Planeta Namek
Vegeta, Son Goku rivalidad de Saiyan
Allargat Bastó! y es que en castellano ralla
Mola mas en Catalán prefiero en Nubol kinton
El canvi de lloc instantani al verlo me flipó

Son Goku, Goten, Krilin, Pan,
Trunks, Yamsha, Chaos y Ten Shin han
Son Gohan de niño me Flipaba en segundo nivel
Satan no venció a Célula tampoco Videl
Nadie Podía con Broly el super saiyan legendario
pedir la energía a todo el planeta fue necesario pa' vencer

La bola Genki Carbonizo a Magin Boo
y Freezer Remodelado cedio frente la espada de Trunks
Los Ozaru Perdían el juicio
Se destrozaban ciudades atraviesan edificios
1! 2! 3! Fusión!!
la ocarina contenía a Hildegan dentro de Tapion

Las Bolas de Dragon esparcidas por el mundo
Teniendo Radar y capsulas habrá que poner rumbo
Raditz Murió junto a Goku, Vegeta se cargo a Nappa
Gohan lo tuvo crudo con los guerreros de Plata

La Fuerza Aumentaba a no se cuantos Kilis
Vegeta dejo controlarse... por Bavidi
Cor Petit y Krilin se convirtieron en Piedra
por Dabra y el gran saiyan-man se rebela
Pelea contra los terroristas que hay en la ciudad
Dragon Ball Rap, Boojack Per mi Bola de Drac
Bienvenidos sean siempre a la sala del tiempo
Donde un día real aquí es una año de entrenamiento
Los Androides surgieron del Dr.Gero
en los torneos casi siempre Goku Quedaba Primero

En los Cielos se Apalanca Siempre Yajirobai
Me Hacia gracia ver llegar sobre un tronco a Tao Pai Pai
Turles y la fruta del poder Garlic, Junior
se hizo grande en un momento joder
Alubias Mágicas?? Nah Monjetas Magicas...
Kaio Shin, Vegetto el resultado de Pothara
Con la Ayuda de Paikun fusión de Goku y Vegeta
Janemba no pudo compararse al poder de Gojeta
Gotrunks en Tercera era un vacilón
cuando alguien perdía la vida lo resucitaba Shenron
Oolong, Bulma, Pooar, Dende todo en un papel
el máximo poder se quedo en el cuarto nivel

Fuerzas especiales?? Ginyu Cambia de cuerpo
Dodoria, Zarbon, Recoom Todos acabaron muertos
Cooler, Baby Dragones de cada estrella
Bardok hizo lo posible por defender su planeta

Dragon Ball Dragon Ball Z Es Arte
Dragon Ball GT Sea el que sea LO PARTE!!

i played so much of this and i just remembered it existed 2 seconds ago