At almost 300 hours, all characters unlocked and around ~75% of the unlocks done. I feel I'm able to post my rating of this game. I still plan on playing to get Dead God but not quite no life it as much. Incredible game. Fuck Jacob & Esau.

Played this through its entirety on my Steam Deck. I did enjoy the game much more than any of the modern switch pokemon games. However, I don't think I could've made it through this slog without a fast forward button. The double battles are so much more engaging and allow for much more strategic play than singles that creates a much more thorough battle experience. There are also steep difficulty spikes which may require grinding unless you are using tactics like toxic stalling, or parafusion to cheese your way through encounters. Overall enjoyable, but I remember it's sequel more fondly.

The best combat in any video game ever. Also in my opinion the highest concentration of incredible bosses jam packed into one video game. The only FromSoft game where the final boss is not only the hardest but also the best. A true masterpiece.

I feel this game gets too much hate compared to the praise that DS1 gets. While it does have a few issues I don't feel the overall quality is that much worse than the original. The bosses are weak, many ganks and some iffy mechanics as well as hitboxes. Even still I found there to be some great bosses like Smelter Demon and Looking Glass Knight in the base game, as well as the DLC bosses which are by far the best in the game. While certainly the black sheep of the series I still respect it for trying to do something new.

Pre Lord Vessel Dark Souls is maybe the best video game I have ever played, but the level design falls off a cliff after beating Ornstein & Smough, fortunately the DLC at least brings it up. Still a classic.

The levels from Hitman 3 weren't really my favorite but as a conglomerate of maps from 1-3 it has so much variety and content packed into these massive video game playgrounds.


Great music and a good amount of collectibles that can keep you going for a few hours. Would recommend.

Going back through this game after Elden Ring makes me appreciate it even more. So many memorable fights: Pontiff, Nameless King, Champion Gundyr, Friede, Slave Knight Gael, Midir.

This is a certified hood classic.

The culmination of FromSoft's "Soulsbournekiro" games, will be back again.

------------------------------No Maidens?------------------------------