The average non-binary furry gamer
I really love the Xeno series, along with various indies.
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Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Xenoblade Chronicles
Xenoblade Chronicles


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Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Xenoblade Chronicles 3

Aug 16

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Overall review: Fantastic game, a great experience for both people new to the series or veterans! While I would recommend playing (or watching someone play) 1 and 2 before playing 3 for maximum enjoyment, it is optional and outside of a few instances is relatively spoiler-free.

Gameplay: If you've ever played a Xenoblade game, it should feel right at home. Xenoblade 3 borrows from 2 with having three arts (and later on, up to another 3 that you can choose from different classes you've leveled up on your characters). Additionally, Ouroboros, a new mechanic introduced in this game, will allow you to fuse two party members together temporarily to create a very powerful party member! It will often come in very handy in tighter situations! Heroes are also a new addition and effectively function as a non-controllable 7th party member that you can change at almost any point. They are also representatives of the classes you can unlock throughout the game, and one party member will inherit the role of that class upon completing their respective quests. You can unlock any class on any party member, though some are more suited to certain classes than others. Both additions add a lot to make the gameplay great.

Quests/Story: Since this is a spoiler-free review, I will avoid talking about certain things that happen in the game or be very very vague about it. Overall, it's a great story with a lovely message to boot, and has many great moments as any Xenoblade entry would have. Quests tend to range from follow an NPC, follow some tracks, and other standard RPG affairs. They do a good job at building up the world, and the characters that inhabit it. Hero quests (and side stories) are voiced, and often give their respective character a time to shine. As of writing I'm still working on quests but I have unlocked all currently available heroes. I personally finished the main story at around 55~ hours in.

Music: To the surprise of no one, the music in this game is phenomenal. Special shout outs to the Keves battle track for being one hell of a banger, along a lot of the other battle tracks. The more serious and emotional tracks are also amazing and just add so much more to the experience.

Nitpicks and/or Minor Grievances: While the tutorial is way better than Xenoblade 2 in the department of actually being a good tutorial, the game tends to handhold you for a couple chapters explaining how various things work and makes you do various things. If it were optional I would probably not knock on it as hard. Though, it is the major reason why this game is not a perfect 10/10.