Zombi is a first person survival horror game for the Xbox One and PS4. The game is a port of the Wii U title ZombieU.
I found this game to be a mixed bag, with some really good ideas and interesting mechanics however the execution of these did not necessarily pay off.
I liked the idea of a survival horror game set in London being from the UK myself, it made a nice change.
The graphics were serviceable and it appropriately looked grim but it's not the best looking game.
The death mechanic was cool, where depending on the difficulty you select you can either respawn as a different character but will need to locate all your previous lost gear (health packs, ammo, weapons) from the rucksack or die permanently and restart the game from the beginning. I chose the easier one, but it still made it a tense experience as you had to be careful to survive especially tracking down your lost gear.
This isn't a run or gun zombie game either like Left 4 Dead, shooting zombies is not always the best strategy as these zombies can take you down fairly easily if you are not careful. Too much noise will attract them to you. This is more of a survival game with looting for supplies. There were some jump scares but overall it's not that scary, definitely not in the league of Alien Isolation.
I found the best method was to use the cricket or baseball bat however you do need to get your timings right when hitting zombies as they can issue quite a bit of damage.
Unfortunately, the game suffers from a lack of polish which hinders the actual gameplay. The controls are quite clunky and didn't always respond when needed which could be a little frustrating. The story itself, wasn't overly gripping and while the death mechanic is definitely interesting you don't become attached to your character and they do not have any defined personality.
Zombi may be worth playing if you can find it cheap and enjoy survival horror games.
For me it's a 6.5/10.

Zombie Army 4: Dead War is the latest instalment in the franchise and spin off from the Sniper Elite series.

I had an absolute blast playing this game, it's far more bombastic and over the top compared to the Trilogy.

I know a lot of people may prefer the tone and experience of the Trilogy but I must say I prefer this one.

I found the gameplay far more satisfying and when the music kicked in during the numerous zombie hordes it got my adrenaline going.

I found the story a bit more engaging this time round.

Unlike the Trilogy, players can upgrade their weapons and unlock perks and abilities to enhance your play style. The upgraded trench shotgun was awesome and joy to blast through the zombies.

Graphically it's a big step up from the Trilogy, I played it on the Xbox One X and it looked gorgeous.

While still linear the environments do feel a little more open this time. There is also a greater enemy varity to spice things up a bit.

The added DLC story missions were also a joy to play through.

While it's not perfect, I highly recommend this game based on it being pure fun and doesn't take itself too seriously.


Spin off from the Sniper Elite series, Zombie Army Trilogy is a 3rd person shooter that can be played offline solo or co op online.

The game is a very linear experience with not much in the way of story however gameplay wise it's very addictive and alot of fun clearing through Nazi zombie hordes even if a bit tense at times.

Unfortunately, the Xbox One version does have some screen tearing and the graphics are not as good obviously as Zombie Army 4 but it does have really a good atmosphere and music.

The game has a darker and gritter tone than Zombie Army 4 however for me personally it's not as fun or as crazy as 4.

I would still recommend playing Zombie Army Trilogy if you can get it cheap and enjoy 3rd person shooters/zombie games.

A strong 7.5/10

This game is a phenomenal survival horror experience! I really can't praise Alien Isolation enough, it's one of my favourite games of all time.

The game feels so faithful to the first film in terms of design and the atmosphere and music is just spot on. Graphically I thought it looked stunning.

For me this is the best Alien game that's been made so far!!!

The A.I of the xeno is top notch, while playing there is always this sense of dread, you never feel safe as he could pop up from anywhere and he learns your patterns, especially when it comes to hiding.

I spent alot of time hiding in the cupboards, once for up to 20mins terrified to move while he crept about, especially when the music intensified, it was scary but awesome!

The DLC is an added bonus which reunites most of the original cast from the first Alien film to voice their respective roles, this includes the incredible Sigourney Weaver <3

I highly recommend this game to all horror fans, even if you do not like the Alien film series, this has to be one of the best survival horror games ever made and is an exceptional experience.

I absolutely love it and it's a shame there will never be a sequel!

I'd rate it 10/10!

I found this game surprising for a game released on a film, i've heard usually they can be quite poor.

Alien Resurrection, while not perfect was rather enjoyable. Unlike Alien Trilogy, I did play without cheats lol.

There was alot of tension and atmosphere, I felt more of a horror vibe than the trilogy ps1 game.

I found the graphics quite impressive for it's time and the sound was awesome.

I would give this game a 7/10

I can't give this a proper review, as I played with cheats on lol (I have no shame in admitting)!

After playing other Alien games beforehand like Alien Isolation, this one didn't wow me. I'm sure if playing it back when it was released may have been more enjoyable and scary.

The game is quite dark and features all the usual aliens, facehuggers and marines you'd expect.

Graphically it's aged quite poorly. I don't think it holds up as well as some PS1 games. And the controls weren't the greatest.

Without a doubt, playing without the cheats would make it more challenging but I couldn't be bothered, however I did have fun blasting my way through the aliens lol.

I'd rate it a solid 6/10

Alan Wake is a very good story driven game, it felt dark and gritty.
I didn't find the game scary but it's rather tense at times.
After a while the gameplay could get a little repetitive but not to the point I was fed or bored.
Playing on my 360, I found it handled well and the graphics looked pretty good.
I'm pleased to see Alan Wake 2 is coming and will pick it up.

For me Alan Wake is a solid game but not groundbreaking, i'd give it a 7.5/10.

What a little gem this game is! Really glad to have picked this up. The game is rather linear but makes a change from all the open world games and is more story focused.
The game feels rather cinematic with an emotionally driven story. The main characters were awesome.
The game is graphically stunning as well.
I highly recommend playing A Plague Tale: Innocence and I can't wait for the sequel Requiem :)


I'm not a fan of 50 Cent or the rap genre of music, I'm a metal head, however as a 3rd person shooter, this game was fun for what it was, it wasn't groundbreaking by any means but I enjoyed it.
The graphics looked quite good for the game's age on the Xbox.
The gameplay could be a bit clunky at times but never frustratingly bad.
Worth a play if you can pick the game up cheap I'd say and you just wish to chill with a game for a few hours.
I would be up for playing Blood in the Sand now :)
