The only thing this game has going for it is it has good graphics. It is so boring, like give this game to a two year old and they will beat it given enough time. There is hardly anything going for this game and it is just a stick in the mud. It is mind boggling how this was nominated and won some of the awards it was nominated for, like how tf was this nominated for goty. Still like a pretty boring game that you could for sure beat in one sitting.


If you don't have a gamecube/wii classic controller you are fucked! Fuck tilt controls.

This is a great Mario Kart game, the ideas used here are amazing, the tracks are fantastic, and the soundtrack is great as well. However when it comes to this game there are two flaws with it, the first flaw isn't anything to major it's just the handling on some of the karts and characters which feel a bit to hard to control with the lighter section of characters, but for being a old game I'll cut it some slack. The second flaw however is what really drags this game down and that is special items. Special items are character specific items that you can get throughout races that have special properties. For example Yoshi's special item is his egg which acts like a red shell but drops items on impact. The problem with this is that it creates a tier list of which characters are viable for this game. Creating a tier list of characters based on which special item they have is not something I like. To make this worse is that there is two special characters you can unlock that has access to all of the special items. Now I know I'm talking about a subject in a old game but the items can influence who you want to play as. Also there might be people out there who would use this game for a tournament and your choice in your character will matter. Overall this is a great Mario Kart game with the idea of two for one characters being great and you should try it out if you haven't!

Super Mario Sunshine is one of those games that get highly praised, but if you take a moment to really examine this game you'll find that while it does have some good aspects it's not as great as some might say. To start off the camera is much better than Mario 64's camera, and the controls for this game are pretty good, every movement option you can do is fine, however the hover nozzle is just a completely different story, as when you are trying to cross gaps with it, it is just so finicky to use as it can take away so much of your speed depending on when you use it in your jump. The soundtrack for this game is pretty good, it is really memorable and just from listening to it you can tell that it's from Mario Sunshine. The worlds themselves are honestly pretty bad, there are 7 worlds, each with 10 levels with two being a secret level of sorts, but the reason why they are bad is not the design of the worlds themselves, it is the levels. The levels are just terrible, they can range from simple and boring to just frustrating, and only reason why the certain levels are memorable is by them being frustrating. However there are a lot of glitches that you can do to make some of the frustrating levels a walk in the park and I will admit some of these glitches are fun to do, and it should be mentioned that this game does have a lot of bugs. It doesn't help the worlds that there isn't really much incentive to really explore them, the only thing there is are blue coins that you can trade in for extra shines but they are just so insignificant that they don't feel worth collecting unless you are trying to 100% the game. Lastly the enemy designs are probably the worst thing in this game, like if you compare their design from this game to how they are supposed to look I'm sure you would just question why they look so different, it is just so bizarre on why they would change up the design for some of these enemies. Even for the new enemies they made for this game look terrible, there are only 3 enemies that look good and those are being the Strolling Stu', Cataquack, and Petey Piranha. Like just take a look at King Boo, Luigi's Mansion came out last year and they decide to change King Boo into nothing more than a joke! Then you have the final boss and it just makes me wonder if Nintendo took anything while designing this game, I remember when my father told me about the final boss and I thought he was lying as it just sounded unbelievable. Although this game does have charm it just feels like such a mess and it is so disappointing that it could of been made better.

Fun simple game. Can't wait until the creator adds more content. Love the artwork too!

After watching the Fallout series I had the urge to pick up a fallout game and play. I decided to pick up Fallout 4 and after playing a good bit I was not disappointed. I am really enjoying my time with the game. For my first Fallout game I can say that I like the series. Idk really what else to say, other than I am enjoying my time playing this game.

This game isn't really that bad. The soundtrack is great and the gameplay itself is fine. Just the story is pretty bad and the combat could be better even though its not bad.

An amazing new take on a rouge-like. The art work for the cards are fantastic. The scenery of the game gives you a relaxing feel perfect for poker playing. Striving to get higher and higher scores is addicting. This game is fantastic and you should play it, NOW!

An alright game. Not really much story to this game and the art style for the characters weren't good in my eyes. But the art style for the fish were nice looking and the atmosphere was perfect. Overall, not terrible, not amazing, but still pretty good!

Great Point-and-Click adventure game. Plus it has some funny af dialogue!

Great Mario game for the 3DS but unfortunately a lot of the levels are reused especially in the 2nd set of worlds to explore. I like that they give you more to do but the reusing of levels makes it super redundant. Still a pretty good Mario game though!

The best 3D mario game to date! It's super peaceful when exploring for moons and the peace makes the exploring so relaxing. A great game to sink hours in and to zone out to!

An alright FE game, the way combat works is alright, and the levels are good. Pretty much all there is to say about it, the core gameplay is good but music was eh same goes with the story.

Idfk how my friend broke his whole ass computer from playing this game but he did.