Episode 1: Starting with the fanatic Rose Marigold, you follow her delusional view on her involvement within Night Springs. It is very cheesy but charming, a light-hearted tale that while delusional leans into the campness of it.

Episode 2: Control's protagonist, Jesse returns. Dropped into the theme park, Jesse is once again looking for her lost brother. Includes a few good nods from her source material, she comes across the multiverse jumping sheriff who clues her up on the mysterious story of the coffee brainwashing anyone who drinks it. It was a pleasant time returning to the Theme Park, investigating the same attractions that I once did with Alan.

Episode 3: In the shoes of the Sheriff, you'll soon find out, the multiverse is being played with by Warlin Door. with a trusty dimensional wand in hand. you must explore each verse to try and find answers to why you are being hunted. A brain-twisting adventure that plays with your pre-existing knowledge of the Remedy-verse.

Pretty decent Add-on that explores more into the newly focused Remedy-verse. I was happy that the DLC decided to flesh out the NPCs from the base game and further, trying to tie it all together. I'm hoping that the 2nd half of this season pass, and leans more into a new story, based in new locales as I did tire slightly on retreading the same ground from Alan Wake 2.

Ending fell abit flat but a better game than the last