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4 hrs ago

Michael_H_Art finished Yakuza 3 Remastered
I think a lot of your enjoyment of this game will depend entirely on whether you can get through its really slow beginning.
The game has a drastic pacing issue where the first 5 chapters feel like they go nowhere and the. Suddenly the rest of the game just blasts by.

Combat is probably the weakest of these games I’ve played so far with every boss fight just blocking every attack you throw at them making fights a chore.
I feel like a lot of my issues stem from coming from Kiwami 2 to this game but I don’t think a Kiwami 3 would really fix the awful pacing and less than stellar side content.

Story when it got going though was really engaging so it gets a cautionary recommendation from me…

4 hrs ago

3 days ago

3 days ago

Michael_H_Art finished Scott Pilgrim vs. the World: The Game - Complete Edition
Wanted to like this game a lot more as I’ve always been a big beat em up fan. I love the aesthetic and soundtrack and the simplistic combat is incredibly fun.
My main problem comes with how grindy the game feels, needing so much money to boost your stats so it feels you’re not slapping enemies with a damp cloth, meanwhile they’re depleting your health bar in two to three hits.

Playing with friends definitely made the experience feel a lot better. So definitely reccommend doing that if you wanna play the game (though the online experience is also rather shaky)

3 days ago

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