29, She/Her or They/Them

I tend to bounce between games and thus never end up finishing them, so a lot of my backlog on here are partially finished games I haven't touched in forever. Hopefully keeping track of this will help me manage to not do that. Anything in my "played" category are games I've finished since I decided to start fixing this problem I've had. If I added every single game I've ever played and finished, we'd be here a while.
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God Eater 3
God Eater 3

Aug 05

Triangle Strategy
Triangle Strategy

Jun 28

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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge

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Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition

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+ Cult of the Lamb as it stands is fairly forgiving by rogue-lite standards, even on the game's normal difficulty. I'd argue that this would be a fantastic game to dip your toe into the genre with its simple, easy to learn combat and its steady but not unreasonable difficulty curve.
+ The base building and cult managing mechanics are done really well. A lot of the fun I had was building the ideal cult grounds and decorating it appropriately. They do run into a few bumps, but I'll get to that later.
+ The customization of your flock is a neat little touch, and they're almost always a valuable resource. I'd also like to touch here that this and the ability to give boons or hinderances to a streamer are really the only parts of the Twitch Integration that this game markets. You do not under any circumstance need Twitch Integration to access any of the game's content. You have access to everything in the game even when offline.
+ The graphics are cute and simplistic. Even my potato of a laptop can run it after some setting tweaking.

- It's pretty short for a rogue-lite, which is designed to be a genre that you can repeatedly come back to. I've seen just about everything in a little over a day's worth of time, but have heard people beating it in less. Is it good? Yes. Would I say it's 25 USD worth of good as it stands? Not really, especially with my next point.
- While the base building mechanic is neat and well put together, it runs out of content fast if you pay more than the bare minimum of attention to it. I found myself with a fully decorated cult compound and nothing to do with it except feed and clean up after my flock before I was even halfway through the third dungeon in the game. This left me with a giant, steadily-growing mountain of resources and pretty much nothing to do with it. This caveat and the next may change in the future, as the developers have stated their intention to provide more updates as time marches on.
- A lot of the cult mechanics revolving around faith and devotion suffer the same problem. Once you unlock everything, a lot of the things you can do with your followers lose their purpose. There's no reason to sacrifice followers except maybe to spite That One Boss you just converted once your faith upgrades are maxed out. Unlocking all your divine inspirations just replaces devotion with money, which adds to that mountain of resources I mentioned in my last point (and not even Midas's cave can really put a dent in it). These last two points are still well implemented but while some mechanics overstay their welcome, I feel like the base and cult management don't stay long enough. Again, this could potentially be amended in future updates.
- While the combat is mostly smooth, later enemies (mostly in the final dungeon) make me feel like there's a bit of unresponsiveness that wasn't taken into account when implementing them. Attacks that a dodgeroll can usually avoid seem to be able to pierce right through and ignore it. Maybe this is the case, maybe I just need to "git gud" as all the tryhards say. But it is a point that irked me while I made my way through the Silk Cradle.
- Finally, while this is pretty much entirely a personal nitpick, I feel like the no-hit achievements on PC are a bit bullshit as someone who likes to 100% games. Especially for rogue-likes and rogue-lites. If this doesn't bother you, feel free to simply disregard this point.

All in all, a well put-together rogue-lite that falls just a bit short in terms of content quantity. If you like what you currently see and don't mind waiting for future updates, I happily recommend Cult of the Lamb.

What I thought was Bamco dipping it's fingers into Capcom's Monster Hunter money turned out to be so much more!

God Eater 3 is far more fast-paced and focuses a lot more on story. The game does a fantastic job of making you feel attached to the characters you're travelling with, I can't think of many other games or other media that does found family better. The combat does suffer from some nitpicky details along with not all weapon types being created equal. But it's still action-packed with several different playstyles to try. The servers are pretty dead if you're playing on the Switch, but it's still an enjoyable experience either alone or with a friend in online co-op! I'd call this a must-buy if you enjoy action RPGs!

This review contains spoilers

No super-detailed spoilers, but just to be safe.

Really conflicted about this one, I still find myself hovering between 3 and 3.5 stars in rating. As someone who wants to see more tactical RPGs that aren't Fire Emblem, especially ones like Final Fantasy Tactics or Luminous Arc, Triangle Strategy really delivers on gameplay. But it's the writing that really hinders it score. The first and middle halves of the game did a very good job at making me feel invested in the world of Norzelia and its inhabitants, but all of that takes a hard nose-dive towards the endgame. Characters I'd come to care about are either barely noticed or have their convictions butchered in a game that puts so much stock in them.

Character development is turned on its head so hard that after making the final choice, I just couldn't really be bothered to care about any of them anymore. The golden ending helps some of these problems, but considering you have to make specific choices and overcome certain challenges, you're basically guaranteed to never get it on your first playthrough without a guide. Thus, it ends up being a "too little, too late" scenario.

It's not necessarily a bad game, It has enough good merits to warrant trying it if this is a genre you're into. But the glaring faults it does have damns it to a mediocre score from me.