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Time Played


Days in Journal

8 days

Last played

March 18, 2024

First played

March 10, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


While Chroma Squad may be a casual recommend as a strategy game due to its repetition, it's an absolute must play for Power Rangers or Kamen Rider fans.

What starts as a fun parody of the entertainment industry turns into a pretty compelling Sentai love letter. Filled with all the tropes, references and over the top personality you'd come to expect. You'll feel like a kid again watching your team flip over each other to battle incredibly goofy enemies.

If Sentai isn't your jam I'd say look elsewhere as the strategy gameplay isn't deep enough to carry this alone. This is a game by fans for fans. It's not here to convince you it's cool, you kind of have to go in already thinking it is. Personally I love this shit. If you do too pop in that old Power Rangers VHS to set the mood and enjoy.