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Days in Journal

6 days

Last played

March 4, 2024

First played

February 22, 2024

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Complimented by melodrama and covered in cheese. The original Devil May Cry has a lot of that Resident Evil DNA baked into it, but there is defiantly enough here to make this a memorable adventure in its own right.

Dante immediately is showcased as a fun character to play as. Taunting, slashing and shooting your way through demons is a cool time. It isn't the most complex feeling game but you get to pull off some really sick moves. On top of that I really enjoyed the gothic atmosphere and some enemy designs are really memorable.

The true threat of this game however isn't the Demon King or his army of goons, it's the camera. I think the camera taunts more than Dante, as at times it didn't want to function and led to some bullshit deaths. I truly think the difficultly of this game comes from its camera more than anything else. One boss in particular sure was a....nightmare. Pun intended for those in the know.

But while that did frustrate me it is hard not to appreciate what is here. It's a strong first outing for a game series that I am sure won't suffer from being wildly inconsistent.