One of the best DS games I ever played. A lot of text that you need to read through but it's an enjoyable game to play. I like how cases were related to each other.

Probably the hardest Mario Kart game known to man.

I was surprised to find out that this is actually an enjoyable fast-pace puzzle game. You have Sam make food and Carly serve it to customers. You need to pick the right food you serve depending on which customers you get. You can also unlock more food and helpful upgrades the more you play and earn money.

You play as a human-killing creature in a Metroidvania style game. Pretty short game, which I appreciate.

Kind of a tedious game to play through if you want to 100% it, but still an interesting take on Kirby.

A longer game than the first Dream Land with actual Worlds.

Pretty fun Pokémon game, haven't played Emerald yet so I can't compare the two yet. My starter was Mudkip.

Picked back up the game after years of first downloading it. Don't remember much but the game got pretty challenging toward the end but it was rewarding when you figured out how to progress.

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My second playthrough was the Blue Lion path where you fought Edelgard in as the final boss.

Don't play a lot of beat'em up games but playing this game reminded me I should. It's so much fun and it's pretty short so it doesn't over stay its welcome.

This game was surprisingly better than I thought it would be. You can switch between Mordecai and Rigby and play through platforming, side-scrolling and top-down shooter levels. The final boss fight was pretty challenging.

Finally beat this game after downloading it in 2017. One of the best looking indie games on the Switch.

Pretty cool top-down game. Can get pretty challenging towards the end with introduction of tougher baddies.

One of the weaker Skylander games on the 3DS. Instead of using the physical traps, the game has you use the bottom screen of the 3DS to catch villains exclusive to this version. You can't even play as them which is just makes the gimmick less exciting.

Only did the Sonic path, but I had fun, overall.