This was a very fun open world game. The crafting ammo and getting new weapons were my favorite part of the game.

It's a pretty rough game to play, but still Metroid. Metroid Samus Returns is the best version.

This game improves pretty much everything from the first Huniepop game. One of the best and funniest puzzle games I ever played.

I liked the game for the story but got repetitive with online play.

Just beat the main game using the whistles. I have the virtual console version on the Wii U that has the extra levels which is what I'm currently working on.

I can understand why people don't like this game but it was so much fun. It had some pretty hard levels but it tested you on how good you are which I liked.

My first Metroid game I ever played. Used the Switch Online app. A fun experience but pretty difficult to use without a guide.

I played this on the Switch for my first playthrough. I liked it a lot but doesn't beat the first one, in my opinion.

It's an open world Ben 10 game which is cool, but kind of lame how you can't play as 10 aliens.

Best story out of all Splatoon games.

Really short game, only beat it within an hour. Really fun, though!

Easily the best Metroid game, in my opinion. The game is beautiful and it was easy to not get lost. Ending was by far the coolest.

This is a different game than Superchargers on Wii U, Xbox, and PlayStation. This is just a series of races and mini games using the vehicles introduced for Superchargers. Still had fun with this game, but I prefer the 3DS version since you can save all your figures onto the game.

Got first on all Grand Prix cups. It's not the easiest thing to do but it's one of my favorite Mario Kart games ever.

This has the best story out of all the Skylander games. The vehicle sections are tedious and Nightmare mode is pretty difficult. The online features are the best feature of Superchargers since you can play with others in racing and the story.