this game is wacky fun but osu made actually playing the game a much more fun thing to do than this does

my god the world of cocoon had a lot of promise but the storytelling, characters, and battle system are horrendous. Looks fantastic for a game from 09' though I'll give it that.

ooooooh gotta complete my focus but I don't know what it is and the god who gave the focus won't tell us what it is and just hopes we complete it without any further knowledge.

Also Lightning is a terrorist and SHIT waifu

This game means so damn much to me, and reminds me that even though I've been through a lot in life, there is hope and the cycle of trauma can be defeated.

boring af gunplay in a game with already bad gunplay, you get some good armor at the end at least

the cutscenes look like they were animated on newgrounds

there's just not enough game here for it to be enjoyable for me


I think Hypnos is kinda cute


The gods are always pissed off

it's not a robot, it's an android

shoot then loot featuring bad dialogue

honestly the minigames are alot more fun here than in the older mario party games, and I like the boards alot too even though there aren't that many. My favorite Mario Party

if you know the subject of the sentence you know the answer to pick

this game makes it very clear what to do from talking to people along the way and I think that's really nice, playing without a guide I didn't get lost that much and didn't need to grind really. wait I lied about the guide part I need to know what these fucking spells do lmao. Probably the best an rpg could be back in 1987 that's for sure.

p.s. I recommend emulating this with frequent speed up, the battles go on foooooooooreeeeeeeeeeeever