8 reviews liked by Minoes

A better game than the base game. I spent more hours making levels for this than I did in any other game with a level creator, including LittleBigPlanet, Roblox etc.

It doesn't have infinite freedom like a game such as Dreams does, but you can get pretty expressive with the building prefabs if you know how. I think that pushing the limits of what you can do with the tool is half the appeal - it's like trying to draw well in MS Paint.

Cute game but essentially the same gameplay as the second one, which is better in every way. So. Just play Petz Dogz 2

ancient but lives in my mind rent free since childhood. unironically great music, super charming overall although i feel i cant really rate this properly in 2023. also the first game i ever finished!

im convinced god himself came to earth to write the music for this game

I played this game 7 times fully before I decided to sell it for pokemon x instead. If I get deranged enough I will definitely play through it again.

Similar experience to Stray where you play as a pet cat, only here you play as a dog and have dedicated "shit" and "piss" buttons.

this is an absolute childhood classic of mine, its just one one of those games you had to play when you were 6 otherwise you wont understand.