This isn't a game you can complete, really. It is an experience a meditative piece of interactive(?) media. The game reflects the self and its meaningless relation to existence itself. Does meaning have meaning? Are you a mountain?

This is a visual novel that has several endings. Playing through the entire thing and earning every single achievement can be done is less than 1 and a half hour.

The game is honestly not bad, but it's not good either. The characters aren't really developed, nothing in particular is memorable, the art is kind of meh, while the rest is just alright. The main character is a self insert of YOU, and you also insert a character for the butler, whom you wish to romance. So I guess you should insert someone you have a crush on in real life? I dunno. It's not bad, it's only a dollar, gives about an hour of gameplay, but it doesn't do much. I honestly bought this game because I thought "My Lady" was a funny name.

A mildly entertaining insult simulator where your goal is to insult the other person as much as you can. They feature a ton of characters like Postal Dude, Serious Sam, H.P. Lovecraft and more. Characters have unique insults, dumb (in a fun way) voice acting, and cute pixel art.
Great game if you're bored an evening and need to burn some time with a friend.

Did you know that the actual, real life Omnibus was never sold and is technically still for sale?

The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood manages to tell a beautiful story with unique and diverse characters, full of friendship, memories, drama, love and magic. Despite the short time you spend with each character, the writer is able to prop them full of believable personality, background, hopes, dreams and nightmares.

The game hooks you throughout the entire game. You always want to see who the next character is, what happens next, and what the next tarot reading will predict. You really get the feeling of not being able to put this down until you see the end.

While this is definitely one of the best written, and therefore most enjoyable experiences of 2023, it is far from perfect. The game has several issues which I will get into, but know that despite these issues, you feel like you can look past them while playing because of how enjoyable the game is overall.

-There are a lot of characters. This isn't bad in itself, but this makes it hard to write detailed about everyone. There were multiple times I wanted to learn more about a character, only for me to never see them again once their issue has been resolved.
-The game brushes over you getting into a romantic relationship. They kind of just show up through your window, say "I love you", and boom, you're in the same bed together. While it was predicted using magic that you would find love, it doesn't feel authentic. It kind of just happened, OK I guess.
-The game does little to explain certain large events. For example, you get the option to essentially become as powerful as a God. The game never explains what this means, and there is seemingly no change after you accomplish that goal. It felt like you accomplished your goal, so now the game is kind of over.
-Generally, what happened after the game ends? You get a sentence or two regarding the important characters, but the game does not show you what came of the sisterhood, how the new leadership really affects the cosmos.

Looking at these flaws of the game, one thing is clear. The game leaves you wanting more. Which is really the biggest compliment you can give a game after finishing it. You get invested in the story, you want to know more about everything, and the game does not necessarily always give this to you.

That said, everything that is there is great. The music by fingerspit is an absolute joy to listen to, and it fits seamlessly into every situation in the game.

I should note that I am not the target demographic for this game. It is a very progressive game that explores a lot of struggles and ideas I cannot personally relate to, like coming out of the closet. I am as boring as they come, a heterosexual white male. Despite me not being able to directly relate to these characters, I found myself liking them a lot. They are written in a way that make them believable, and while you may not be able to relate to everyone's problems and thought directly, their thoughts, feelings, and internal struggles is something I think anyone can relate to.

Overall, I enjoyed this game a lot, and this is definitely a game that will live in my head for a long time.

A short but sweet action adventure full of charm, funny dialogue and a unique combat system where you need to be quick on your feet and use the environment to defeat your enemies.

The games does a great job of having unique enemies where you really have to prioritize your targets correctly to get through encounters. The different enemy combinations used really make for unique feeling encounters, despite there not being that many enemy types. The items and rooms themselves also make a huge difference in terms of how the encounter feels.

That said, this game is being held back by a few things.
Firstly, there isn't much incentive to explore. While there are plenty of secrets to find, they do not really offer anything, not are the ones I found particularly difficult to get to. They do not offer additional platforming challenges, rarely unique encounters, but instead a little reference or funny joke.

While the platforming (and movement in general) is pretty good, the game doesn't do a whole lot with it. Sometimes you will have an opportunity to swing from a rope or grab a pole in the battle arena, but it rarely offers utility mid battle, just running is almost always better as you still have access to your full moveset that way. I wish this aspect was explored more.

While this game has been very enjoyable, I wish they explored the movement system a bit more, and I wish there were more enemy types. That said, everything that is in the game is delightful, and the game had me smiling throughout the entire experience.

Very unique game. There really isn't anything like it. You are simply tasked with not touching the button. Which of course, is not how video games work.
The game is a short and sweet puzzle game that allow you to get multiple endings depending on what you solve and press.

Definitely worth experiencing

Pony Island is one of the first games that really blew my mind n the "Wait, video games can do that?!" type of way. It threw me off my feet multiple times with its puzzles, distractions, and genre bending themes.
This is such an easy recommend for anyone who want to explore what it means to be a video game, and want to see something unique no one has done before.
Daniel Mullins is an absolute genius.

One of my favorite platformers of all time. I am not sure when I first finished this game for the first time, but my latest playthrough was in 2020.

Real, momentum based platforming with an excellent world, witty characters, interesting powerups and crazy themes. This is one of those games that just live rent free in your mind forever after you complete them. I cannot recommend this enough.

A cute looking tile based puzzle roguelite that has you move and throw blocks/characters around the world. It features some unique combining mechanics where you can remove blocks by throwing them together, sometimes rewarding you with loot for your efforts.

Overall a fun and somewhat entertaining game that has some replay value, though the random generation is not enough to make this something you want to come back to after you complete it properly.

Randomly generated and puzzles is not something I usually think work very well together. Generally speaking hand crafted puzzles feel better to complete. This game does a decent job, but you rarely ever get those "aha" moments where you finally figure out something great.

Overall, I would recommend only to puzzle fans looking for something unique. The art and music is fantastic.

An extremely silly game that is entertaining enough to play with friends. The over the top sex jokes and the incredibly silly characters make this game fun and memorable. Having super powers, floating through the city ramming huge dildos up the ass of your enemies to kill them while going through the acid trip of a story this game provides sounds like fun to you, I definitely recommend it.

Shadow Warrior is a game that tries so much, but ultimately fail to excel at most of it. In a sea of fantastic boomer shooters like DOOM, Postal Brain Damaged, Amid Evil, and more, it gets hard to recommend a game like Shadow Warrior. While the story and writing is witty, and using the environment to kill is fun at first, it fails to be truly unique.

The guns are exactly what you would expect, enemies are cool looking but are generally either completely OK or frustrating to battle, and your coolest abilities have so long animations that halts your momentum that they are often not worth using. The grappling hook for example, makes you stand still for a bit, causing you to almost always take damage when using it on the hardest difficulty.

Killing enemies using the environment is fun at first, but it is not really versatile. You often can't do it unless you lure enemies in there, which takes time, is risky for you, and generally you would be better off shooting them. Even if enemies happen to be in the prime spot for environmental kills, you are often required to use the grapple to activate the trap, meaning you get to stand still and soak some damage first.

Where this game really shines is the unique weapons you can pull out of enemies. While not all of them are worth the effort, it is extremely fun and feels good to "glory kill" an enemy, rip out a part of them, and use it to kill other enemies. This is great and easily the best part of the game.

The graphics look great, the writing is funny, and gamefeel is alright. I would recommend if you are looking for more boomer shooters and you've played the best ones.

This was one of the first games I ever played. As a child, I was probably 3 years old, I got a nintendo gamecube and sonic adventure 2. I played this game probably 20 times as a kid, and it has utterly ruined how I am as an adult. Everywhere I look is Sonic. The music I listen to is reminiscent of what you would find in Sonic games, everything is a reference to Sonic.

With that said, is this game any good? Ynoes. The game game is good more because of the idea of what could have been, instead of what necessarily is. Sonic fans yearn for sonic adventure 3, but they want it without half of what is in Sonic Adventure 2.
Playing as Sonic and Shadow? Great fun, banger soundtrack, high speed and fun abilities.
Knuckles and Rogue? Ehh, it's fun enough to move around but nobody likes aimlessly running around. I remember people endlessly talking about how this could be great with a more linear mode, maybe more puzzle oriented platforming, etc. This is where the problem lies, right? You don't want what is in the game, you want the idea of what could have been.

Playing as Tails and Eggman is a joke. Never give the player mobility, then remove it all. You're asking for it to feel bad. What if you could fly around? Maybe you can turn into a car at any time and drive? Maybe more interesting battles that isn't just a spam fest?

The Chao Garden is one of the highlights of this game. Taking care of a Chao, feeding it things you find in the world, and seeing it evolve as you go. Me and my brother would train our Chaos and have them battle each other constantly, it kept us coming back to this game year after year.

The battle mode is also great (the racing part anyhow). You get to race through a lvl, and it's shocking to me that no Sonic game has done this since. Racing as modes in platformers in general, it just makes sense. While I think the abilities could be tuned down drastically I overall think this is an incredible mode.

So yeah. That's it right? The idea of the game that never was. Today it holds up as a fun platformer where 2/3 of the game is filler, and the good stuff is great. Maybe one day we will get a new adventure for everybody.

I do wonder how many hours I spent on this game in total. It must be hundreds.

Sonic Forces me to have a bad time.

Out of my ~3 hours and 15 minutes played, where I completed the game and extra Shadow prologue, 1 hour and 17 minutes was spent watching cutscenes or in-menu dialogue. That means that counting only gameplay, completing every lvl only takes 2 hours.

Even with that in mind, the game still drags on. Physics and momentum feels "fake", two of the lvls can be beat without touching the controller at all, a lot of the lvls is just running in a straight line while holding the boost button, and it controls like a fish out of water.

You spend half your time playing in this weird isometric view that controls like you're on ice, or as Classic Sonic which has momentum so poor, he can't even walk up basic slopes. It is an absolute embarrassment that this made it out, and is somehow worse than Sonic 06. This is all without going into the story, which makes absolutely no sense.

I see no reason to play this unless you are very drunk.

The only reason this game is not half a star is because the soundtrack slaps.

A short and sweet Sonic-like that does it better than the hedgehog himself. Movement feels extremely smooth, the level design is great, and you really feel like you just want to keep moving forward.

The combat sections feels very "meh", but luckily you can skip most of them by just running. Overall very enjoyable.