I liked the twists to the turn based combat from the last game - and in general it was a fairly fun game.

Navigating the overworld wasn't as fun, and it got to be a bit too finicky (especially when trying to figure out how to get to some of the quests in the late world).

I also wish the time to level up the characters was a bit shorter, and that the level cap of 30 was higher. Especially since many of the abilities take multiple level ups to unlock, it felt like it took a long time to unlock new abilities for the characters. I also hit the level cap before the end of the game, so no new mechanics were available to me as I finished it up.

Overall, I found the game itself enjoyable if somewhat repetitive.

A very chill game that knows exactly what it wants to do, and does it well. The collecting and platforming are fun without being too much, and the art style is great. It's fairly short and didn't overstay it's welcome.

The only thing I wish was that there was a late game unlock to help you find any of the missing Tinykin you didn't find as you were playing through. (Or even just an indicator of which levels still had Tinykin that weren't found).

The visuals and music are top notch - but the gameplay is a bit shallow. Thankfully the game itself is fairly short, and the various different environments were interesting enough to carry through.

This was a fun twist on dungeon crawling - I appreciated how it prevented you from falling into just using your favorite combinations of skills and characters by tying character progression to completing different quests, each of which required using the different characters and abilities in differing combinations.

I will say that it felt maybe a bit long by the end, and there was a bit of grinding that I needed to do in order to finish the game off. But overall, really enjoyable.

The combat is interesting, and it has good style - it just feels like it could have used a bit more budget. NPC character models are very unique, but get reused a lot which feels strange. I wish there was more card variety since after a bit I settled in on my deck and never felt compelled to change.

But most of all, I wish there was a way to go back to previous levels. If you miss a collectable or a side quest, there's no way to go get it after you leave that level unfortunately.

Very similar to West of Loathing, with the same good writing and style of gameplay. The combat didn't feel great - most of the interesting things to do were on the first turn, and by the end of the game many encounters just were played out the same way over and over. I also felt that the over-abundance of equipment made it tricky to figure out the best equipment for any one time. One final issue was that the game dragged out in the end for me, there were a few places where the RNG caused some items I needed to advance to not spawn for a long time.

It feels like if the game was a bit tighter and shorter that it would have been better. The writing is fun - and that's the primary reason to play this one.