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MultiGenre earned the Replay '14 badge

23 hrs ago

MultiGenre commented on MultiGenre's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
@Shrouls you are correct. i dont blame the DLC entirely, although i do think its notably worse than the base game. im mostly planting my flag and saying this is my breaking point on soulslike games. with the way people talk about this dlc and the price they charge, though, maybe i should expect a new game

@ziopera0 itll sorta come down to how much you like elden ring. if you absolutely adore it, youll probably absolutely adore this too. its a lot more of the same, though personally i find it less interesting.

23 hrs ago

MultiGenre commented on MultiGenre's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
also i dont know how people waste so much time in these games. i beat the DLC in 11 hours while doing side content and optional bosses. this is not a “whole new game” stop sucking miyazaki’s dick

23 hrs ago

MultiGenre finished Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
im not convinced people dont think the fromsoft shtick is getting a little old. i think people are scared to admit it because they’ll be told they’re bad at video games. even though this one adds the feature that if you walk around and collect enough golden spatulas you can make almost every boss a total chump and only for the first five hours does everything kill you in literally two hits. also this dlc made me realize i just dont care about elden ring lore at all. theres only one boss in this dlc with personality and i wiped him in two tries. the “fromsoft thing,” which is to say remaking dark souls every three years and giving it more bloat, is boring now.

phenomenal skyboxes though

23 hrs ago

1 day ago

chandler commented on Snigglegros's review of Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
eager to see what you think of project 8 because that's the last one that could be called decent

1 day ago

1 day ago

1 day ago

chandler commented on AllstarBrose's review of Sonic Adventure 2
not gonna comment on core gameplay takes because that's all been discussed to death, but there were some other points i wanted to address:

1. the audio levels are fucked up on everything except the original release. they're fine on dreamcast and you can easily mod them on pc to be just the same (or however you prefer)

2. rail grinding is fine. lightly flick the stick repeatedly; don't hold it in one direction and don't crouch. it's just touchy. even on pc this is completely manageable

3. ideally you should not be dying in stages at all, but lives exist to give you some relief between checkpoints while you're still new to the game. even still, restarting the stage is a reasonable punishment for failing too many times

4. ...a point reset for dying is a completely reasonable punishment. you don't deserve an A rank if you can't beat the stage at an A-caliber level of skill without fucking up dramatically

5. i think you're going WAY too hard on the controller if you're damaging your tendons while playing sa2. all things considered, this is not a very input-heavy game to begin with. please don't break your arm by jockeying your controller violently

1 day ago

CorpsSansOrganes commented on Bells's review of No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
people shed blood and die! this isn’t a game! 🔥🔥🔥

1 day ago

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