Mega Man X Games Ranked

Mega Man X Games Ranked. No Spinoffs, only mainline entries.

All-round classic entry for the series. Keeps things simple and has a decently good production value for the series up to that point.
First entry in the series. A huge change of formula over the classic games, shakes up most of what we know and expands it to new levels. A classic.
Everything that X1 did good X2 did it better. Except I'd say the sound font made for the music which I don't like in particular. It's still a great entry nonetheless.
This is were the franchise started to get some fatigue. To differentiate X3 from past titles they focused on what is called "Ride Armours". Tedious extra step.
While people hate it with a passion I don't entirely agree. The level design is atrocious but you can exploit it at will. It's dumb fun if you know exactly what to do.
The 3D X games aren't so beloved as their past 2D entries. Mega Man definitely works better on 2D since it's a run n' gun and precission is key. X8 ain't half bad but it still suffers from a lot of weird gimmicks and could've perfectly work as a 2D game.
Probably one of the most boring X games in my opinion. The presentation takes a big hit compared to X4 and the level design is bland at best.
The holy grail of bad taste. Take everything that makes the X games good and throw it to waste. If X5 was bland, this is the opossite and the bad points stand out so much is hard not to notice.


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