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Actually peak. Not even joking. I can’t believe I waited so long to play this.

As far as story goes, MGS2 was a bit better but Kojima’s anti-war message shines more brightly than ever in this entry and I respect it. MGS2 is held back by some boring sections in the oil rig, but MGS3 has no such weaknesses.

I didn’t notice too many improvements in terms of gameplay over 2. Obviously the camo and other jungle related features were neat but I felt there wasn’t as much innovation as there was from 1 to 2.

Music was amazing as usual with Snake Eater being the obvious standout. Words cannot describe how hyped I got when it started playing during Boss’ fight. Also, I beat her by countering her CQC so it felt really fitting seeing as she kept outmaneuvering Snake in CQC. It felt really cool. Even excluding her, this game features some of my favorite bosses in the series.

As far as characters go, the Cobras do feel inferior to the rogues cast of MGS1, but still better than those of MGS2. Ocelot is great though, and so is Boss

Overall, I think this is my favorite entry in the series so far. It’s just so beautiful.

This has motivated me to play more big games that I’ve just never gotten around to. Maybe it’ll be Bioshock, maybe The Witcher, maybe Remedy Entertainment’s Alan Wake, Control, and Alan Wake 2. Who knows, but I’m open to suggestions after playing this masterpiece.