They should've named this game "the-empty-and-generic-countryside-outside-of-Hogwarts Legacy"

I'm going back to playing Monster Prom

Afraid of bad level design, I was. Because of focus on open world. Correct in assumption, I sadly became. Enjoying open world, I surprisingly did.

The button you press to sing is like drugs for your hands

Best if in combo with Hitman I & II, but a glorious game whatsoever. Best stealth game I ever played, also the funniest stealth game I ever played.

INSIDE or LIMBO but a little more kid-friendly

"Ik rij nog geen eens in de hoogste versnelling!"

Really interesting setting, but anything above easy is too hard for me

Something to keep me busy until Frostpunk II comes out, but not that interesting after a while

Positive enough to function as a way to kill time before a new "Ori and the..."-game releases