It's a shame this game was abandoned. I hope Phill Spencer will show new content for it soon

This game is definitely better and more fun than having sex with a real woman!


Graphomania without any meaning

Another Final Fantasy game about endless grind to defeat the final boss.
License and Gambit systems are cool, the story is interesting, but about 70% of the total game time has to be spent grindin' experience, license points and money for equipment.
Bro, in JRPGs I just want to go through story dungeons 😭

P.S. Fran's buns are amazing

The console version of WoT is the only correct version worth playing. There is no roulette with percentages of hit, penetration, and damage that depend on when and how much gold you bought for your account and how many battles you won in the last hour, unlike the PC version. There are no stinking ads or offers to buy another case of shish, unlike the mobile Blitz version. In this game, you just roll into battle in your favorite tank and have fun.
The Cold War mode is a surprisingly good mix of Armored warfare, World of Tanks and War Thunder, which exists separately from the World War II mode and features tanks of levels 11-13, which have been planned for the PC version of the game for 10 years.
It is worth noting the presence of a battlepass, for the passage of which the player is given 4 premium tanks and enough gold to buy the next one. Also, very often there are easy tasks for which premium tanks and gold are given.
In general, this game looks like it shouldn't exist. It does not obey the laws of free to play crap.
It's a shame that this game is only available on consoles.

The game is very catchy with its atmosphere. You're afraid of machines, you hide and hunt them, you're curious to find out what other kinds of machines there are and what happens if you take control of them... for the first four hours of the game. Very quickly the gameplay is replaced by running between two mission control points to listen to a dialog of a few lines. The dialogs include an answer wheel, which is really just an option to either listen to additional lines or immediately get a new mission point on the map. On the way to this point are necessarily deliberately placed machines, which you eventually start to just run past, because killing animals in this game affects your character's progression more than killing machines.
The plot... There isn't one. Machines once rebelled against humans, and the main character spends the entire game searching for details about what happened and who her mother is. Only the very last mission of the game tells about the events in real time and somehow resembles a real normal mission. All other quests are a simulation of walking from point to point with an enviable use of witchy flair to map other people's footprints and collect notes.
In short, they invented the mechanics of machines and hunting for this game, invented a bunch of graphical crutches that even the PS4 uses to give it deceptively beautiful graphics, slathered it all with actual SJW and LGBT agendas, but forgot to invent the game itself. It's just a disgrace.
I would say that Horizon looks like a typical Ubisoft open-world shish, but no: Ubisoft games have more diverse activities on the map, and the arsenal of weapons is more diverse, and at least there are memorable charismatic villains that are interesting to watch.
The DLC for the game is excellent, I have no complaints about it. It is interesting both gameplay-wise and story-wise. I went through it in one go and was satisfied with it.

Best panty-sorting simulator I've ever played


Everyone here says this game is terrible and it's better to buy a deck of cards and play with friends. But I don't have any friends.
Well... Pros: in Ukraine, the basic edition is twice as cheap as a replica deck of cards on Aliexpress; you don't need friends to play; you have visual control over the game.
Cons: buying the game in Steam, you still have to play through Ubisoft connect launcher; the game is optimized only for 16:9 monitors; one match can last up to 2 hours; the game sometimes crashes/connection errors.
I played for about six hours and got bored. Hardly ever run this game again.

Игра основана на реальных событиях. Я лично такое видел в горах Краснодарского края!

Поиграл, встал из-за стола, подошёл к окну, закурил... Много думал... Плакал...

Great Kurt Cobain simulator!
However, you can see absolutely all the mechanics of this game in an hour. At the current moment, there is no point to playing longer.

Ultimecia is the shittiest boss I've ever seen in my entire gaming life.
At the end of game, the developers decided to shit a disgusting boss that is impossible to beat until ALL GF & characters (not just in the squad) are pushed to the limit. And even so, it's not a given that you'll beat it the first time.
Sorry, but I refuse to call a good game forcing the player to endlessly grind.
Also the basic plot of this game is broken by the lack of any logic to the action. It was not thought through to the end and dumped on the player just some set of incidents in which he must participate.
FFVII is much better than this game in every way.

Very overlong story, with too few game mechanics. Boring as hell. Literally forced myself to go through it to the end. The only plus is that art looks stylish

This game sucks in a lot of aspects but it's nice to relax in

The best metroidvania ever!
At the beginning you may not like the 3D graphics or sound quality, but gameplay-wise this game is a masterpiece