9 reviews liked by MrPolarBear

I liked it when i was 10 I think, idk that's what Steam says

Masterpiece. As a doctor with my PHD from the peggle institute I feel very confident in saying this game will always be fun no matter how many playthroughs.

i had a internet girlfriend from this game for like 10 minutes

Babe wake up the better Clash of Clans from 2012 is here

I won't be giving Fortnite a rating. I don't think it'd be fair. Almost everything about this game shouldn't work for me. It embodies almost none of the reasons I typically play video games. Yet, it helped me discover so many things about myself, my friends, and why I love video games. Though I can't thoroughly enjoy it now, my memories of Seasons 4,5, and 7 can and never will be replicated by any other media to ever exist.
I have over 300 hours in Fortnite, and to my memory, I never once won a solos game. But, what I do remember is my friend and his brother cheering me on as I got my first kill in loot lake. Running home from school to beg for the battle pass. Watching the cube slowly move across the map. Crying because I was the only one of my friends to not get the Ragnarok skin. Meeting new people in my school through Fortnite mutuals. The Season 7 Christmas BGM. Getting carried to my first squads win.
Fortnite is truly a "you had to be there" sort of experience. The vibe chapter 1 carried is like nothing else I've experienced in gaming. The meta was changing and evolving every single day. You could be certain every match would have 99 human players. Even if you were bad at the game, there was always that glimmer of hope that the next game could be the one. The events were simple, but incredibly memorable. The game still had a strong visual identity. It's so hard to put into words the truly unique experience this game was without listing memories, but that's because this game, for me, is intrinsically linked with my memories of it.
Though this game was a shooter, with little going on in terms of story or character, it captured me, and hundreds of my hours in a way no other game has. Like I said, I was never good. But I still grinded for hours on hours every single day. And while Fortnite is and always was without a doubt an incredibly addictive game, a good chunk of the reason I played was for community. From cosmetics to achievements, I ultimately did it all to impress the people I played squads with. Not because I felt I had to prove myself to them to be liked, but because I liked the feeling of improving, competing, and showing off around those I care about. From old classmates, to friends' older siblings, to randoms online, Fortnite bridged the gap between generations and cultures, and despite lacking the stories and characters I so adore, Fortnite will always be something I have fond memories of.

"i'll clean one more thing then stop for today"
that was me 2 hours ago

i need to schedule an appointment for an autism diagnosis

the kinda party game that makes your neighbors hate you and your drunk friends