11 Reviews liked by MrSacamano

Playing this game was a constant flip-flop between "oh wow, this game's pretty good, I can see where all the praise comes from" and "Jesus Christ, this is some of the most annoying shit ever."
I certainly respect it from a historical standpoint, though.

VAI SE FUDER JOGO DE MERDA ๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–•๐Ÿ–• feliz 2024

I don't ever wanna play this again :)

something in me snapped when those scrooge mcfucks danced while demanding i shoot ice cream at them

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Dearly Beloved being confirmed as Sora and Riku's THEME makes DDD the best game of the whole series

I hated this, man.
I played with my wife and we found every character in it SO incredibly annoying that we just didn't even care if they improved their lives. Fuck 'em. Especially that book.

I think there are some good things to this game. It makes sense how it basically kick-started open-world games. But good god is nothing in this game fun except driving. Driving is cool. I enjoy driving in this game. But the shooting is so god awful, I got to one mission and just decided I was done.

The problem is that this game wants to be a cover-based shooter before cover-based shooters were a thing. Like you take damage so rapidly that you'll just die and die and die, and there is no quick way to recover.

It just robs the game of any fun it could have had. If you had the ability to buy health recoveries, it might have been better, but as it is, dying happens way too quickly, and without any real checkpoint system, the game just feels outdated.

They could have made this better with the "Definitive Edition" but nah, this is a dated game that just hasn't aged well.

A decent time but can be very frustrating. Some issues I had were in regards to the Remaster and others were issues that carried over from the original game, which it is more difficult to be hard on as it is a classic that changed gaming forever for the better.

Graphics weren't too bad. With quality of life improvements it feels like they did the bare minimum. For example: adding checkpoints when you die in a mission, but there are no mid-mission checkpoints. For the most part this wasn't too bad, it was only an annoyance for me in later missions that were longer and more frustrating. At least there are checkpoints at all. I remember dropping the original game on PC as soon as I stopped having fun with repeating missions I was failing (I know I know - skill issue).

The radio stations have also lost 21 tracks that were in the Xbox version. Towards the end I got so sick of hearing the same songs over and over that I would just drive with the radio turned off.

One thing from the classic that really bothered me as well was the hostile gangs. I don't want to say too much for spoiler reasons but if you know you know. Racing missions became near impossible for me if I attempted them after certain story missions. Some very poor gameplay decisions were made there by the original Rockstar team.

Towards the end I chose to use a walkthrough for one of the final missions where you have to drive around all 3 islands destroying certain objectives that don't appear on your minimap until you get really close (I really feel for the classic players that didn't have the minimap at all). I wish I didn't have to but after failing it once I already couldn't be bothered repeating it more than once.

Overall it's a classic game worth playing and experiencing but I believe it is not worth finishing.

The bond formed between the boy and Trico is unlike anything else in gaming, a wonder of gameplay-story integration to connect to this majestic beast.

"And that is how it ended. Our extraordinary story."

Was not expecting to love this as much as I ended up doing by the end credits. Having already have had previous experience with Fumito Ueda's games, I didn't think The Last Guardian would deliver as well as Shadow of the Colossus did, but I was proven wrong almost to the fact that I think in certain aspects, I might prefer this title to Shadow of the Colossus which is already a game itself I hold up in high regard.

Narratively, it almost moved me and brought me to tears. The bond the two characters share doesn't need words, it's visualised and you really feel for them, by the end it's a bond you start to share with both of them and it sorta resonates with yourself being a pet owner. I can't really put it into words, but it makes you appreciate them even more.

My only real problem with this game is some minor gameplay issues. I feel like at times it's a bit unresponsive and people online would say "well, you're using the commands incorrectly" but no, I was very familiar with what to do with the commands even before you are prompted on screen how to do them, granted at the moment I only knew how to make Trico actually move where I wanted it to, but after the fact despite knowing the other commands, Trico was still pretty unresponsive in some areas and even sometimes backtracked for no apparent reason at all which frustrated me a little. There are also some minor frame drops in certain areas, I think I only experienced this 3 times and it was over pretty quick before it started to bother me. I think this game could have done with some small polishing but it's not that big of a deal.

Great game overall, pretty overlooked I feel along with it's predecessors (Shadow of the Colossus, Ico.) Recommend it to anyone new to gaming or anyone new to PlayStation in general, should have more word of mouth when mentioning PlayStation exclusives.

I ain't even done and this owns. I am not biased. Shit just whips top to bottom.