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1 day

Last played

March 20, 2022

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The first part of this review will not get into spoilers, just very minor details that are early on in the game.

I love how this game takes advantage of having the two different playable characters in it, and the different areas are, for the most part, so fun to explore. There were some great bosses in the game, the art was incredible, and the soundtrack is incredible (I'm looking at you, Iron Blue Intention and Hail From The Past). I also really enjoyed the direction that the story took, but I'll get more into that down below. There isn't really much I can say bad about the game, not much if anything felt very unfair or poorly made.

Now into the more spoilery stuff

One of the interesting ideas for a boss was the one for Sandy Grave. I liked how she's pretty straightforward and simple to fight, unless you have Jonathan out, where then you have to be careful for her love spell that will make Jonathan attack Charlotte. I also love how they used the portraits to make so many new and diverse areas without making them feel out of place at all. Even the dark versions of each painting still felt fun and unique. The sidequests that Eric- er, I mean Wind gives you were a fun addition that gave you some good and unique challenges, that also unlock some new things or at least give you some kind of reward. The story was interesting with Brauner and his two "daughters", that later turned out to actually be Eric's daughters, and the addition of starting out with the best weapon, but not unlocking it's full power until a difficult yet fun Richter fight was a great idea.

P.S. - Don't trust the skeleton waiter