Absolute masterpiece. Really fun to go back to again and again with both fun art and music. Whoever made the sprites deserves a raise they seem pretty cool.

Right away I want to say that I wasn't sure to give a 4 or 4.5 star on this game. I did enjoy it but I did have some trouble with it. Not necessarily a bad thing it just took me some time to get a handle on the combat system, which by the way was a really cool and unique system once I understood it. I could absolutely see why people would love this game and give it a 4.5 or even 5/5, as it is a beautiful game with an amazing soundtrack. The way I found this game wasn't by being told about the game itself, it was by being sent the song 'In Circles' which I soon became obsessed with and is still to this day one of my favorite songs in any game. I of course then proceeded to check out the game on Steam and eventually bought it. I want to say it was a very interesting approach on this kind of combat system which mixed both real-time combat elements with tactics-gameplay which made for a fun and unique system, though hard to understand at times and while I was able to appreciate the story of the game, it was a bit hard to follow at times, at least for me. It's definitely worth checking out if you're into these types of games, especially if you're a fan of Supergiant. This is the only one of their games that I've played so far, but it makes me want to try the rest.

A pretty good game overall. I don't play a lot of roguelikes but after this I may try getting into more of them. For the most part I enjoyed the art, but mostly the 2d stuff. I know the look they were going for, but a couple of the 3d models just looked not very good and a bit weird/unsettling sometimes. That's a pretty small thing though since that was only a couple of them that you don't see up close much. The talking sprites were all beautiful and expressive for each of the characters and really shows their personalities. I also enjoyed the varied dungeon themes of Joblin, Winkydink, and Styxcoin along with the great soundtrack that came along with them. Seriously the music in this game is great, it's part of how I was introduced to it in the first place. The writing also worked pretty well for a lot of the characters. You could understand their motivations and how they felt about their place in the company. There's just a lot working for this game that makes it a really fun and unique (at least as far as I can see with my nonexistent knowledge of the genre).

The biggest grievances that I have with it are relatively small issues. One is that there is very little sense of progression as you play through the game, even as you clear dungeons. You can slowly unlock skills and mentor perks, but some of them don't really make significant gameplay differences and stop you from feeling like you're actually getting stronger. The only sense of increased strength seen in the whole game, is after each of the first 3 dungeons when you get a heart container from each. This brings your max hearts from 3->6 and you assume this trend will continue, while the entire second half of the game drops that trend and keeps you at 6 hearts. This means your character practically does not get any stronger for the entire second half of the game, which made me feel like sometimes I was just banging against a brick wall over and over. If I was failing in a dungeon, trying another one first won't give me more hearts, and individual runs don't make me stronger. I may have gotten to the boss that last run, but the same thing could happen for the next 10 runs, and it takes 20+ minutes to even make it to the boss. Yeah sure you can just say "skill issue" and have me watch as you go through each dungeon first try at lightning speed, and I will say while skill is obviously a factor, I just wish that alongside your skill in the game, maybe Jackie (MC) would also get a bit stronger. The bosses weren't overly difficult though, just a bit frustrating to lose against. They all felt very unique and I liked their designs for the company they were with.

That's pretty much it though, like I said overall a pretty good game but some things I wasn't as big a fan of. Would recommend, especially if you like killing demons with body pillows and goblins with staplers etc.

Let me just say this game was amazing. It felt like the perfect sequel to a game as great as BotW. I don't know how they did it, but despite the world being the same, it has enough changes and additions to feel fresh again. The tons of new enemies, caves and wells, a "home base"-like area in Hyrule field, and numerous changes to each of the villages as well. I haven't been to Lurelin yet, but Kakariko and the 4 other towns all got at least slight makeovers to the towns themselves or the areas surrounding them. Hateno also seemed to have some changes but I didn't stick around for too long to see all of them. Another cool thing was the new theme for each town before doing the story quests there and completing their respective temples. Speaking of the temples, not only are there more than in BotW but there is also a HUGE step in quality for said temples. The divine beasts were very meh in both looks and overall quality. The temples in this game have better maps, layouts, more varied looks and locations, (two being in the sky, two in the depths, and 1 on the surface (2 if you count Hyrule Castle)), better puzzles imo and for the most part more than just a couple lame enemies lying around.

I have to say with ranking them the lightning temple was by far the best, having the closest to a traditional Zelda feel and a cool atmosphere with fun puzzles and a good amount of enemies ending with a cool and difficult boss. Water temple on the other hand was by far the worst, being one of the worst Zelda dungeons I've probably ever played. It didn't feel like a dungeon at all, didn't have many enemies, and the puzzles were all way too easy, with also probably my least favorite (though still not terrible) boss in the game. The ability from that temple as far as I can tell is not very useful either, but having Sidon's clone fight alongside you is nice. Once you do all of the temples and have 5 clones (idk what else to call them) fighting alongside you it's pretty cool, like you have your own squad going around kicking enemies around. The only issue is triggering their abilities. I wish there was a button to call on their ability from afar instead of going up to them and saying "Let's go!" to use their ability. I often couldn't find the one that I wanted mid-battle, or would accidentally use the wrong character's ability. That may be my biggest complaint in this game to be completely honest, I didn't have many issues with it at all.

I know this game isn't perfect and it does have some issues as did BotW, but none of them are big enough for me to care as they are all relatively small and are vastly outweighed by everything else that I love about this game and the countless things that it improves over BotW. Even things so small and simple as your armor staying sorted after upgrading pieces, keeping your same horses from BotW, customizable paraglider, new status effects like increased attack based on the weather, being able to throw normal items, lightning even having a different look, automatically swimming up waterfalls when you glide into them, and having a little shine on items still at full durability, etc. (those last two may be in BotW but I don't remember).

I also love the new shrines and abilities, and was amazed to find out that there are even more than in BotW with a staggering 152 shrines (along with even more collectables, side quests, minibosses, etc.). Some of the abilities are almost too good though allowing for some easy cheese in a lot of shrines. I also like a lot of the new korok puzzles besides the ones where you have to reunite them with their friend. Those at least give you 2 seeds for your trouble though so it's not that bad. While I am sad to see test of strength shrines go, I do like there being multiple tutorial shrines that go more in-depth with your abilities, as opposed to just the one in Kakariko that teaches you the very basic stuff and sends you on your way. It's also nice when shrines give you Zonai devices either prebuilt or not, it's a good way to see what different devices exist and what they can do, along with get ideas for contraptions you can build to torture koro- I mean kill enemies with. The possibilities really are endless when you combine your new abilities with all of the different Zonai devices.

I've said so much yet I haven't even touched on the sky islands or mini-bosses yet. The sky islands are cool to explore but there really aren't many of them. There are huge chunks of the map where none exist and where they do exist are for the most part small clumps and archipelagos. I still enjoy the islands and have fun exploring them, but I feel like they could've done more with them. The shrine and mini-boss islands are cool though, I for the most part have enjoyed the shrine quests and love fighting the Flux Constructs. Of the 3 new mini-bosses I have only fought Flux Constructs and Frox though since I'm not strong nor brave enough to fight a Gleeok. Between Flux and Frox though I like fighting the Flux Constructs a bit better. I also like the addition of the Battle Taluses, they are a fun, fresh take on both enemy camps and Stone Taluses. While they're easy to take down on their own, these combinations are a whole 'nother story making you have to change your approach to fighting them. It's also cool how some enemies have new attacks that use their new, sharp horns. It has caught me off guard on a few accounts, and makes those fights a bit more interesting than the enemy just spamming the same 1-2 attacks.

Finally, down into the depths we go. While there is a lot of nothing in the depths, and it can be kind of boring to explore at times, it's still a whole new world with a lot of cool stuff to explore. The lightroots also have a direct connection to shrine locations making them a bit easier to find if you already have a few shrines going down there. The same of course works the other way where after exploring a bit and finding some lightroots, you can pinpoint the locations of certain shrines, which I thought was pretty neat. The depths are also where you get autobuild. An incredibly fun and useful ability for so many things. There is no limit to what you can save and rebuild for later use. It's also nice how the depths have enemies that can give you gloom damage, which makes them more dangerous than normal enemies as healing gloom damage takes a bit more than just eating a few apples.

The Yiga clan is also back with some interesting new ideas. I don't believe there are any story quests that involve the Yiga but you can find their hideouts and get their armor to infiltrate the base in the Gerudo region, which allows you to train there and get a new ability. They also have vehicles there that you can buy and use for autobuild. The Yiga also have bases in the depths that you can raid for autobuild schematics and you can fight a certain someone making their return. The depths also have a lot more that I'm yet to experience, and have only even heard about from other people telling me/watching streams of the game, so I can't wait to find and experience all of those things.

Overall, this game blew me away beyond even my expectations. I can't think of a single thing that it does worse than BotW while I can think of several things that it does better. The world is now even bigger and more beautiful than ever and even offered a nice challenge compared to BotW. I haven't touched on the final boss at all but I don't want to spoil to much. Just trust me when I say it was a blast to fight and blows Calamity Ganon out of the water by a long shot.

Edit: You can make pizza. That's pretty cool

Really fun experience! I liked the bosses and level design a lot. I was constantly impressed by fun and clever bits in the level design. The OST is also top notch being one of if not my favorite Mega Man OSTs. Even my least favorites were still pretty good.

I also appreciate how well they let you manage the difficulty in this game, as not only can you choose which of 4 difficulties you want to play the game on, but also they give you access to the shop, gears, and chips. All of which can make the game easier or harder depending on how much you use them. Personally for me I love the speed gear so much it was a lot of fun to use.

This game is amazing, it absolutely lived up to the hype for it. I saw some people complaining about performance issues but I had none of that. There were occasional frame-drops after a few hours long play-session, but it was never very bad nor did they last too long, also that's likely because I was streaming the game, along with the fact that it is a large, brand new game. I wont use that as an excuse for the game being poorly optimized though, because off of what I'm hearing from others that does seem to be the case. But for me personally it played very well throughout my whole playthrough and I can't wait to go back and 100% the game.

I also really enjoyed the story for the most part, though the villains didn't get enough screentime in my opinion and it felt like it was dragging on a bit towards the end. The combat seemed much better than in Fallen Order too, either that or I just got a lot better at it since playing that. It was very smooth and a lot of enemy types were really fun to fight, especially when the enemy placement almost feels strategic to play against someone with Cal's moveset, as if the devs were playing the enemy placement like a game of Holotactics (which btw is also available to play in this game and a lot of fun). Art direction was on-point too, the worlds were especially beautiful. I was speechless when I first landed on Koboh and saw the beautiful landscape reaching out into the distance.

And I love the dialogue between enemies, specifically the battle droids and some stormtroopers. Gotta love sneaking up on a stormtrooper who's questioning his life choices out loud, and killing him from behind. Can't question your life if there is no longer life to question.

If I have to say anything I had wrong with the game, it would be that the map is a bit difficult to navigate sometimes, and maybe also that there weren't many planets to explore. I would much rather have more smaller worlds than one large planet and a couple tiny ones. One final thing isn't as important to me as the other two gripes I have with this game, but main villain's motivation seemed a bit dumb, (I wont get into spoilers) like they were overreacting just a wee little tad bit. Their fight and a few other boss fights were really fun, though most of them were kind of easy and only took a few tries if that (perhaps because Cal was overdosing on the 9 stim canisters I found through the game).

Edit: One additional thing I think would be cool to change maybe for the next game would be to make it so you can change lightsaber stances from anywhere. There's no in-game reason that Cal wouldn't be able to switch whenever, and for the players I think that would encourage switching up which ones you use more often. You would still have two equipped at a time but you could change which two you have whenever, and maybe only when not in combat. I know I stuck to two of the stances through my whole playthrough and never used any others, but the others are still good and fun, but I didn't want to have to go to a workbench or meditation point to switch them, and then again if I want to switch back later.

While this is a big step up from the first one in some ways, the story is just not as good. The combat, visuals, acting, etc. are all really great, but you don't really go to many different planets and the game took me half as long to beat (granted I didn't get stuck on boss fights or pulling down a star destroyer for hours), but it was still significantly shorter and had a far weaker story. I personally enjoyed the story of the first one, but this one seems very flat. That's why despite having a blast playing through this game, I gave it a 4 as opposed to a 4.5 stars.

While story isn't a requirement or deciding factor in a good score from me, I can still appreciate a good story when I see one, and be disappointed when one falls flat. The end fight against Vader was fun at first but it got very tedious and repetitive. I loved those final cutscenes though where Vader is just so cold. He knows the power of having attachments and that he can use Juno against Starkiller just as Padme was used against him.

This is honestly a great game, the only complaint that I have is that some of the gameplay while fun feels a bit dated. By far the worst part is pulling the Star Destroyer out of the sky, which sucks because it's such a cool moment ruined by terrible controls and tedious gameplay. I could ramble on and on about how terrible that one section is and how it took me over an hour to complete, but I'll spare you my rambling.

Overall, the combat is pretty fun and the story and acting was great. This might be one of my favorite games I've played from the 2000s (granted I haven't played a ton). While the combat is fun though there were some things that felt a bit unfair on both ends. On one end enemies can hit you while you're already down and I died a few times to getting stun-locked until I died, and contrary to popular belief the stormtroopers never seem to miss in this game. On the other side you can cheese a lot of enemies with abilities like force lightning.

I would love to see a modern remake with updated graphics and gameplay, because this game really was (and still is) something special, it just feels a bit dated at parts since it came out over a decade ago. Definitely worth giving a shot though and it will always feel great to beat your enemies senseless with OP force powers, and everything cranked to 11.

Very fun little game. It's like an Ace Attorney case but more on rails (pun intended). I started playing it with my girlfriend and we had a lot of fun unravelling the case of Sonic's murder. I also enjoyed the little platforming sections you would do during interrogations, they were fun and not too easy. The art-style is really nice and I enjoyed the story. The final battle was also pretty tough but fun

Also would just like to say I correctly guessed the killer before even starting the game B)

This game is absolutely beautiful. It may be my favorite in the series. The amazing art, story, and combat system really make this game something special. It also has probably the best OST of any Castlevania game, and that says A LOT considering how the series has consistently great soundtracks. The characters were also really great and interesting and I loved the twist in the story because it didn't feel forced or thrown in, it actually worked very well and this was one of the games where the ending actually made me cry a little. I had a blast playing this all the way through and would highly recommend this to anyone who likes a good challenge

Pretty good game, especially when you consider that it was the first in the series. A lot of fun characters and great cases, and a perfect place to start if you want to get into the series

It's like Ace Attorney but more racist and has funny Herlock Sholmes man. Pretty good game overall, would definitely recommend getting Chronicles with both this and the second Great Ace Attorney game. Also will link that review below when I finish it.

Cool game, cool robot masters, pretty fun overall. That Mr X guy was pretty cool, they should bring him back for Mega Man 12

Good game but I suck, I'll be back for a rematch someday. It was fun though, I don't remember too much of it but yeah

Really fun game with great graphics, bosses, and music. The final boss is just way too difficult. I was scared going in knowing that it's a notoriously tough boss, and it certainly was. I know I wasn't very good at the time of playing this, and I'm still not great at Mega Man, but wow. Would definitely recommend though, just with save-states for the end