Pioneer of the Text Adventure genre, but really confusing.

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Fun game to waste your time with

A simulation of driving with a near-lethal dose of amphetamines in your system

Level 1 reels you in thinking you're for some jolly good horse racing. But then the AI gets faster. And faster. By Level 6, the AI rarely, if ever, makes a single mistake. If you trip even once, they're gone and you might as well reset.

The changes as the game goes on are a nice touch, and I like the ricochet mechanic, but other than that it's kinda meh.


5 stars for being the reason we have Super Mario Galaxy and Doom Eternal.

-0.5 stars for the AI paddle either being as dumb as a sack of potatoes, or following the ball like a heat-seeking missile, with no in between.

You know what? As primitive most games from the Early 70s are, this one was actually more fun than I thought.

Once you learn the basic rules of it, it basically becomes something akin to Minesweeper. You have to always keep an eye on your surroundings to ensure that any threat can be located. Kinda addicting if you ask me.

Fans of the 'Lemonade Stand Simulator' genre would love to play the classic that started it all.

Too bad I'm not one of them. It got boring after the second day.

Cool concept and impressive for the time, but just not that fun to play.

For the time, it was pretty solid. The controls are kinda iffy and movement is stiff, but hey. This was made before JFK kicked the bucket.

Okay so the reason that Pong was the game that helped video games become super popular and into a mainstream piece of media was because 90% of every game made for the 20 years prior was just "Virtual Tennis"


Kinda fun to play with another human, but an AI will just result in tie after tie

It's old and it's a game