Kinda rough by today's standards but still worth checking out.

A fun romp with a nice comic book aesthetic and murder of children who lose balloons

A really great game that doesn't get enough love.

I only played this because Misaka is a character, I admit it.

This game is flawed in a hell of a lot of ways but it's what got me into WRPGs so it's not all bad.

This is where my game started to crash constantly. Thanks for your shitty, save file bloating engine Bethesda!

This DLC is boring as hell and only worthwhile for giving you armor with almost limitless durability

This DLC was pretty neat and interesting. Then the content ran out. OOPS!

Insanely good. If you plan on playing the DLC avoid the PS3 version like the plague because by the time you do them this engines lovely save file bloat will give you constant, ever present crashes.

Definitely the weakest DLC but has Joshua Chad to carry it

Darker, grittier and with much more boat like cars then the previous games. Still an interesting ride through the criminal underworld

An incredibly fun game with a very kino plot. Extremely gray

A competent port with some audio and visual problems that are distracting but not deal breaking.

Every weapon in this game needed three times the ammo.