Oh my god, this fucking game. I played it back when in Russia there was A GIANT craze about this game series, like everyone were obsessed with it, music was used everywhere and stuff like that, I just played it a bit back then, kinda liked it but I got stuck on that stupid boss fight with a car so I dropped it, until now...
My best friend, Mark, loves these games and he decided to replay them, then my entire friend group got on the hype train and I decided to give it a go. Holy shit. I had a blast. One of the best game experiences I had in a while. And Biker is my man, his levels were interesting and his personality seems cool too, I want more of this guy:(

You may call me a pussy, but fuck you. Shit's unplayable

This might be the best game ever created, no best piece of MEDIA ever created

top 10 plotlines leading nowhere number 1

best game to slowly go insane

The announcement of this game as a replacement for COD MW2 Story Mode in Russian PS Plus in July of 2020 and the intense reaction that followed is the best thing to ever happen in Russian playstation community.

Played it on a wii. It's not that bad, it's just...alright? Like, there are some shitty levels here and there, the combat feels stiff when you're not having a gun and Shadow himself is too sensitive sometimes and it's easy to fall to your death (or it's just my GameCube controller stick drifting, I need to buy a new one), but it's pretty fun actually. Funnier than forces even. The edge makes it better, may actually return to it one day.

Low budget PS1 fighting games have it's charm for sure. A weird start (technically) to a franchise I honestly really like. Need to try out this game with friends, that could be fun

Arika characters are goated. EX games have some of the most interesting characters I have ever seen in a fighting game

A good idea, but poor execution. As a kid who grew up constantly playing MK mugen builds and classic MK games I really wanted to like this, but oh well...
This game feels like these MUGEN Resident Evil minigames, when a fighting game character is put in a sidescroller perspective. They should've done a beat-em up...
But FMV cutscenes are an absolute gold, as well as the sprites. The vibes are the reason this is a 3/10, not 1/10

Was planning to make it the next game i'm going to fully play through. Liked it alot, but I got stuck at some bullshit point in episode 2 I can't explain plus I bought a PS3 and I'm going to test all the cool games I wanted to play all my life so I'll shelve it for the time being...
Still a really great game. Nice music, plot seems nice, the visuals are beautiful, the atmosphere too. I don't mind the walking, this feels both oddly relaxing and stressful at the same time. I'm DEFINETLY not dropping this game forever

I actually had fun playing this game, to my surprise! The shooting is awkward, but bearable. The story is fun, but underdeveloped at times. Ryuji and Majima are written better than the other cast in this game, and this game's version of Ryuji seems very believable. Akiyama is barely in the game and this whole feeling of "Me and the boys" yakuza 4 and 5 provided is missing, as well as most of the emotional value (But there is that Pops moment, it's sad. Poor Ryuji) The final is very hype anyway and is probably the best written moment in the entire game. Soundtrack is amazing, just as always. Bosses are mostly eh, but there are good bosses too in this game. Side content is just from 4, but you have no access to it most of the time so whatever. Frame drops happen occasionally, but they are not as bad as I expected them to be. This game was also supposed to be the final game in the series, these credits made me pretty emotional even, Kiryu's speech in the end is pretty cliché, but based too. Who knew 9 more games would come out lol (And that's just main series including remakes and ishin, since Kenzan is in the credits too)
This game is among the worst games in the series, but it's not exactly garbage and it deserves to be played in my opinion. A fun piece of this series history and Schrodinger's Canon

This game is so fucking funny, I can't.....
It's literally unplayable seizure fest where everything went wrong, I really want to know how did this game even release in general, it looks and plays like it was made in like 3 days. Comedy gold. I would like to give it 1.5 stars, but I just can't. Truly one of the games ever made

So, I finally finished Kenzan. Would've finished it earlier, but I need to study for my exams so whatever.
That was good. The story was amazing, I cried. It's fun to see how many story and gameplay elements actually crossed over from here to the main series. I liked the gameplay too at first, but near the end it became really annoying. Side content sucks too, BUT! They absoluetly nailed the setting and maps. That's the biggest ammount of locations we had in the whole series and that makes the world really interesting to explore. Nature looks especially beatiful here. Janky game which desperatly needs a remake, but I enjoyed it nonetheless

I usually absoluetly fucking despise online RPGs, but this... this is different. This is now one of my favourite games ever at this point, everythying is on top. The atmosphere, the gameplay, the music, story is cool too. All of that makes for an amazing experience. GOAT