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Mugenco completed Trials of Mana
this game is way too long for how basic it is, its ok but its very very easy, the partner ai sucks and you are better off leaving them dead most of the time, theres no incentive to look around, everything looks kinda samey in towns, and having multiple characters with different ends means it wants you to do it more the once which sounds sort of like hell. by the end game it just starts to get a bit fun and then its over. 10/10

1 day ago

Mugenco completed Pokémon Infinite Fusion
Very funny, way too long, made my balls hurt, and my penis shrink, but also i had a giggle

2 days ago

8 days ago

8 days ago

Mugenco reviewed Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
not a fucking chance i have the time or patience to beat this multiple times. its got a really cool vibe, and the character designs rock but the gameplay is the slowest thing ever and it wasnt worth finishing to me

8 days ago

8 days ago

Mugenco followed stovetop

13 days ago

Mugenco backloggd Terranigma

13 days ago

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