this game is way too long for how basic it is, its ok but its very very easy, the partner ai sucks and you are better off leaving them dead most of the time, theres no incentive to look around, everything looks kinda samey in towns, and having multiple characters with different ends means it wants you to do it more the once which sounds sort of like hell. by the end game it just starts to get a bit fun and then its over. 10/10

Very funny, way too long, made my balls hurt, and my penis shrink, but also i had a giggle

not a fucking chance i have the time or patience to beat this multiple times. its got a really cool vibe, and the character designs rock but the gameplay is the slowest thing ever and it wasnt worth finishing to me


pretty neat, i dont go swimming much cause water makes me all wrinkly and uncomfortable so this game gave me that experience

this is actually such a terribly controlling game im shocked there are people who like it

this game sucks, dont let anyone deceive you

probably my favourite final fantasy game, if you have your expectations ruined by people sharing a couple "bad" voice acting clips then are seriously missing out, the voice acting is incredibly charming even at the worst of times. the combat is by far my favourite of the mainline final fantasy games that ive played, and the weapon, accessory, and skill tree in this game are amazing. amazing setting, amazing visuals and amazing story, im giving the game a 10 because its final fantasy 10 and it has 10 in the title

i give this a 9 for being final fantasy 9 because ther is a 9 in the title, and also because its a nearly perfect game with insanely weird character designs that are a good thing and also cause i like that he has a monke tail

the answer is obvious and i dont have to tell you. you think i care if you dont know what this is? am i your mom? fuck you. youve heard of final fantasy 6 if youve heard of any final fantasy other then 7, now get lost bitch, fuck. jesus chirst man get real

decent game but his name is "Bartz" the the zimpsons character, awkwaaard

cecil and gilbez are cool, golbez wears cool armor and so does cecil, i played dissidia and liked cecil and golbez, and then i played this and liked them more

games ok but it does not click for me like it does for others it seems. good customization and cloud of darkness has good art illustrations

good haha, its alright heehee