decent game but his name is "Bartz" the the zimpsons character, awkwaaard

cecil and gilbez are cool, golbez wears cool armor and so does cecil, i played dissidia and liked cecil and golbez, and then i played this and liked them more

games ok but it does not click for me like it does for others it seems. good customization and cloud of darkness has good art illustrations

good haha, its alright heehee



neco arc is from this game, has some cool writing and characters, dont play it unless you want to risk getting your ass fingered while your step sister watches, its truly for degenerates

Really good game aside from the reddit humor and the worst ending to any Rpg ive played, art and music is on another level, and combat is pretty fun, if you like rpgs, dont miss this one

disgaea 5 is my favourite disgaea game of the ones i have played, it clearly is the highest effort game they have made by a large margin with more characters, units, sprites, and animations then any other game, and most characters and units have unique rage mode abilities, and all allies have many team attacks. the story and setting are cool and the game is more fun then ever. disgaea 4, 6, and 7 are all good as well, but 5 is by far my favourite

its disgaea 5 but complete

the original version was better, the new abilities have made combat way more boring with the possibility of either the player or the enemy getting a crazy amount of status effects really fast. the new final dungeon looks ba and with enemies that have no weaknesses, its nothing but a damage check, and the new final boss is also nothing but a damage check. its not more difficult but is limiting, and it is boring.

this game was incredibly over hyped to me, youd have to be fairly brain dead to lose with the items available to you

i dont really get it, its just not for me

Finally beat the true ending of this after quite a long time, aetstheticly one of my favourite games, and the music is incredible. a very easy game to complete normally but getting through it with enough lives to attempt the true final boss is just the right level of challenging. incredibly cool game

i wike dis game cause i wike da zewda music and wuv da funny gamepway

improves in a lot of aspects but does have a few dumber ideas in terms of how a case will solved a couple times